

Indian organisation wants suicide to be declared a “national priority”

Even as the Indian Action Committee (IAC) was crafting a statement to call on the Guyana government to declare suicide a ‘national priority,’ another man killed himself after his girlfriend decided to end their relationship. Police said  23-year old Michael Stoby of 798 ‘C’ Field, Sophia Wednesday night used a cement sling and hanged himself at his home after his ...

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Gastro cases rising in Barima; situation being monitored – Health Ministry

Despite earlier assurances that the gastroenteritis outbreak at Barima, North West District (NWD) of Guyana was under control, authorities Wednesday said the number of reported cases has risen to 80. However, an 11-month old child remains the only reported death so far. Five days ago on January 8, 2016, the Public Health Ministry has said 60 persons were afflicted by ...

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More than 50 percent of youths sexually active

With the results of a ‘snap survey’ conducted by the Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA)  showing that  more than 50 percent of youths are sexually active, Public Health Minister Dr George Norton has affirmed that sexual and reproductive education must form a part of the curriculum. The survey conducted by GRPA  focused on adolescent and youth sexual trends and carried ...

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Haags-Bosch landfill fire 70 percent put out; heated debate at City Hall

by Telesha Vidya Ramnarine Even as fire fighters were making significant progress in extinguishing a three-week old blaze at the Haags-Bosch Landfill, a heated exchange arose Monday at City Hall about why Public Health Officers were not included in a meeting with Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan about the garbage disposal facility. Fire Chief, Marlon Gentle told Demerara Waves Online News ...

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Gastro outbreak at Baramita kills one

An outbreak of gastroenteritis in the North West District (NWD) community of Baramita has left one person dead and 60 others stricken. The Ministry of Public Health says it is closely monitoring the indigenous community in Region One, after several cases of vomiting and diarrhea were detected in the area where residents are reluctant to use treated water and take the ...

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Granger pushes broad-based anti-suicide “action plan”

President David Granger is spearheading an anti-suicide “action plan” by government, religious and non-governmental organisations. “I intend to find out why we have so many suicides and once we identify those factors, try to use Governmental action and try to get the efforts of civil society and households to put this scourge to an end. We are above normal and ...

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Not ready to vaccine port workers for swine flu- Health Minister

Health Minister Dr. George Norton said Thursday that the time was not ripe for port workers to be vaccinated against the potentially deadly swine flu virus that has already claimed the life of one Guyanese. Speaking with reporters at Parliament Building before the start of the sitting of the National Assembly, he said the vaccines should not be given without ...

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Vending on Merriman’s Mall suspended

The Georgetown City Council Monday announced that vending on the Merriman’s Mall between Orange Walk and Cummings Street has been suspended for one week to allow vendors to clean up the area. “The Council observed that the area is very untidy. This is inconsistent with the vision to make Georgetown clean and green. The Council would be giving the vendors ...

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Health care workers who treated swine flu victim vaccinated

All the health care workers at Balwant Singh Hospital, where Guyana’s first swine flu victim sought medical attention, have  been vaccinated and are being monitored for the potentially deadly disease, Public Health Minister Dr. George Norton said Monday. “They were tracked and all identified, for those who remained in Guyana –including the nurses as well as the relatives. They are ...

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