

Guyana to help restore Jamaica’s hurricane-affected electricity supply

Guyana is among several Caribbean countries that would be sending personnel to Jamaica to help that island restore electricity to several areas that are still without electricity about two weeks since Hurricane Beryl struck, officials said Wednesday. Prime Minister Mark Phillips told Demerara Waves Online News that “we are sending five linesmen to assist with electrical network repairs.” He said ...

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CCJ Academy for Law needs to provide specialised training -Pres. Ali

President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday asked the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ) Academy f0r Law to run specialised continuing education programmes on emerging areas as well as train prosecutors. He issued the call in his address to the opening of the two-day first Legal Conference on Criminal Justice Reform – Advancing the Needham’s Point Declaration. “That academy in my humble opinion ...

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Attorney General updates Guyana-born Belize Chief Justice during courtesy call

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall on Friday updated Chief Justice of Belize, Guyana-born Louise Esther Blenman on a number of projects during her courtesy call ahead of a major regional law conference that opens in Guyana next week. “The Hon. Attorney General welcomed the Hon. Chief Justice and updated her on a number of projects being ...

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Caribbean leaders agree to appeal for international hurricane financial relief

In the wake of devastation and death caused by Hurricane Beryl, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders met in an emergency session on Tuesday and agreed to ask the international community for financial relief. “The extent of destruction here will definitely require international support, not only immediate financial support in the form of grants and long-term low-interest concessional loans but also help ...

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First shipment of Guyana’s relief supplies arrives in Beryl-ravaged Grenada

Guyana’s Civil Defence Commission (CDC) said the first shipment of relief aid to Grenada from Guyana has arrived in the hurricane-affected country where three people were killed by Beryl. The relief items included generators, water purification tablets, chainsaws, batteries, hygiene items and other necessities. CDC Director General, Retired Colonel Nazrul Hussain officially handed over the items to Grenada’s Minister for ...

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US seems closer to removing Cuba from list of State-sponsored terrorists – Guyanese Int’l Relations Professor

Former University of the West Indies (UWI) International Relations Professor, Mark Kirton said the United States’ (US) erasure of Cuba’s name from a list of countries not cooperating fully in fighting terrorism signaled that that communist-ruled nation could soon be taken off Washington’s list of terrorism sponsors. “The Cuban administration has made significant efforts to be part of any anti-terrorism ...

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President, US Secretary of State hold talks on Haiti

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Chairman, President Irfaan Ali and United States (US) Secretary of State, Antony Blinken on Monday held talks to support Haiti’s new interim leadership and how to improve security in the violence-torn Caribbean nation, according to the State Department. “Secretary Blinken and President Ali discussed efforts to support Haiti’s Transitional Presidential Council and the Multinational Security Support mission ...

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Haitian smuggling through Guyana created problems in other countries; legitimate migrants will be allowed entry- Home Affairs Minister

Even as the opposition parliamentary coalition accused the Guyana government’s of double standards in dealing with Haitians in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn on Friday said the smuggling of Haitians to this country had a knock-on effect on other territories in the Americas. Mr Benn sought to assure that migrants facing difficulties would not be blocked ...

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CARICOM nations discriminating against Haitians- Ramjattan

Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has accused Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member-nations, including Guyana,  of discriminating against Haitians by blocking their free movement across the region. “It is in my opinion, looking at the demeanour and even the expressed words of some of the CARICOM leaders; they always give the impression that Haitians are second class in ...

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Haiti’s political leaders reject CARICOM brokered deal

By Joseph Guyler C. Delva PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Mar 13, CMC -Several political leaders in Haiti have rejected a proposal submitted by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to end the current unstable situation in the French-speaking country and have instead reiterated their position of imposing their own three-member presidential council to govern the troubled country until general elections. Leader of the ‘Pitit ...

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