

Security Council is “most undemocratic” UN institution -Guyana’s Permanent Rep to UN

Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), Ambassador Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett has declared that the Security Council lacks democracy because any of its Permanent members could derail a majority of members. Speaking at a discussion about next September’s UN Summit of the Future, she said the Security Council does not represent the will of the majority. “The Security Council is ...

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Preventing new infections, treatment, human rights protection keys to ending Caribbean AIDS epidemic – UNAIDS report

Kingston, 22 July 2024—A new report released today by UNAIDS shows the world is at a critical moment that will determine whether world leaders meet their commitment to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. The report, ‘The Urgency of Now: AIDS at a Crossroads’, brings together new data and case studies which demonstrate that the decisions and policy choices taken by world leaders this year will decide the fate of ...

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PNCR, AFC downplay vote-splitting to PPP’s advantage

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) have dismissed the likelihood that they could split the Afro-Guyanese voting block which would result in the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) retaining power at next year’s general and regional elections. “I’m not worried at splitting of votes. Once all the votes add up to more than the ...

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Activist Ramon ‘Rambo’ Gaskin dies

Well-known political activist and associate of the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Ramon ‘Rambo’ Gaskin died on Saturday after a prolonged illness, well-placed sources said. He succumbed at the privately-owned Woodlands Hospital at 82 years old. Gaskin first rose to national prominence shortly after the PPP won the 1992 general and regional elections and he was appointed the Chairman of ...

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GPL, GWI to be made profitable, subsidies will be phased out -PNCR Leader

Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton said if his party wins next year’s general and regional elections, efforts would be made to ensure the state-owned electricity and water companies become profitable and weaned off government subsidies. “I do believe if GPL (Guyana Power and Light) is properly managed, then we can remove the subsidy. Our approach ...

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Contractor fixes defective Paruima airstrip, says gov’t in reaction to AFC’s disclosure

In the wake of a disclosure by the Alliance For Change (AFC) about the virtual collapse of the almost GY$400 million rehabilitated Paruima airstrip in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), the Ministry of Public Works (MoPW) on Friday night said the contractor was ordered to remedy the defects, and preparations were being made for an inspection. “To date, these defects have since ...

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Opposition, gov’t trade plans to tackle increased cost of living

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) and the Alliance for Change (AFC) on Friday separately weighed in on the cost of living, even as the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) said efforts were being made to address the problem which is not confined to Guyana only. Promising again to increase salaries by more than 50 percent and increase the ...

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PNCR appoints new General Secretary

Almost one month after Dawn Hastings-Williams resigned from the post, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has on Wednesday announced its recent Congress Administrator, Sherwin Benjamin as the party’s new General Secretary. “As the new General Secretary, Mr. Benjamin will play a key role in leading the PNCR’s efforts to strengthen its organizational efficiency, readiness, and appeal as the party ...

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APNU turns 13; affiliate gets new leader

As A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) celebrates its 13th anniversary, the founder of one of that coalition’s small parties has stepped down and made way for a new leader. Mr Keith Scott, who co-founded the now 23-year-old National Front Alliance (NFA), said it was time to make way for a young leader, former General Secretary Cordel A. Joseph, ” ...

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Corrupt procurement is “biggest immediate” problem in police force -Home Affairs Minister

The Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, on Tuesday said the Guyana Police Force’s (GPF’s) “biggest immediate ongoing problem” was alleged corruption in procurement which was now the subject of investigation. “They have started reviews and investigations and audits in relation to the Guyana Police Force and also in relation to the other two agencies,” he said in reference to ...

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