

High Court mediation on teachers’ strike continues next week

The High Court-mandated mediation between the Guyana Teachers’ Union and the Guyana government ended its first day on Friday, with a commitment for the process to continue next Monday. Lawyer for the government side, Dharshan Ramdhani did not speak with the media after the afternoon session ended at 4:03 PM. Representing the GTU was Attorney-at-Law Darren Wade who declined to ...

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Brazil’s President boasts higher salaries through collective bargaining

Brazil’s President Luis Inacio ‘Lula’ Da Silva has highlighted that unionised workers in his country are earning increased wages and salaries as a result of collective bargaining. “Eighty percent of the organised working class have managed to get collective bargaining agreements that are above inflation,” he said in remarks in the presence of President Irfaan Ali after they held bilateral ...

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UN Secretary General praises Vincentian PM for easing Guyana-Venezuela tensions

United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres on Thursday credited Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr Ralph Gonsalves for his role in pulling back Guyana and Venezuela from the brink of conflict over the disputed Essequibo Region. Mr Guterres thanked Mr Gonsalves for his “permanent role” on the Guyana-Venezuela issue, in his remarks at summit of Caribbean and ...

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APNU+AFC asks govt questions about proposed Qatar hotel; Jagdeo says project is “moving forward”

Amid several opposition parliamentary questions about plans by a Qatari company to build a US$300 million five-star hotel, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday said the project would be going ahead. Mr Jagdeo said government and lawyers and others who are specialised on land matters were asked to “produce the documentation about ownership and the project is moving forward,” A ...

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Presidents of Guyana, Brazil agree to search for financing for integration projects

President Irfaan Ali announced that he and his Brazilian counterpart, Luis Inacio ‘Lula’ Da Silva on Thursday agreed to establish a working group to search for money to build transportation links between their two South American countries. “We want to put together a technical working group that will commence working immediately to develop a mechanism through which we can have ...

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CARICOM to spearhead Haiti’s electoral needs assessment; Prime Minister agrees to power sharing before polls

Guyana’s President, Irfaan Ali and other Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders on Wednesday agreed that the regional bloc would lead a team alongside international partners to Haiti to determine what that strife-wracked country needs to prepare for elections no later than August, 2025. The Bahamas’ Prime Minister, Phillip Davis said the gap assessment team, which would include CARICOM and United Nations ...

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Jagdeo chairs Caribbean development finance working group

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo was Wednesday selected to chair a Caribbean Community (CARICOM) working group to search for more money for the CARICOM Development Fund (CDF) to cushion impacts on member nations and promote growth, Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Mottley said. She told a news conference to wrap up the three-day summit of CARICOM leaders in Georgetown that Mr Jagdeo ...

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Haitians in Guyana call on Haitian Prime Minister to resign

A small group of Haitians living in Guyana on Tuesday picketed outside the Marriott Hotel, venue of the summit of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders, calling for Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign and pave the way for elections. The group said that Haitians had been promised elections three months after President Jovenel Moise was assassinated on July 7, 2021 at ...

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Opposition openly endorses teachers’ strike, hints at worsening industrial unrest

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton on Tuesday openly backed the now 22-day old strike by teachers, saying it has virtually crippled several businesses and warned that the industrial unrest could spread to the public service. “It is now obvious that this impasse will continue and as such we have chosen to make this statement both to underscore our support for the ...

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