

PNCR’s congress on track “barring an act of God”, despite General Secretary’s resignation

The People’s National Congress Reform’s (PNCR) congress, including its internal elections, is on track for June 28 to 30, despite the resignation of that party’s General Secretary, Dawn Hastings-Williams, Congress Administrator, Sherwin Benjamin said Tuesday. “Everything, as far as I am aware, is on schedule for the congress…I don’t see, barring an act of God, Congress not being held as ...

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BREAKING: PNCR General Secretary resigns, complains of poor preparation for Congress, lack of financial accountability

Four days before the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) is scheduled to hold its June 28-30 Biennial Congress, that party’s General Secretary Dawn Hastings-Williams on Monday resigned from her position, complaining bitterly about poor preparations for the highest decision-making forum are way off mark. “With all the administrative task that has to be undertaken by the secretariat, I believe that ...

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New law to go after sale of unprescribed antibiotics, fake medicines

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony on Sunday warned that pharmacies that sell antibiotics without prescriptions would soon be shut down, as Guyana joins the rest of the world in reducing the resistance to antibiotics and other types of prescription drugs. He said the Health Ministry has received reports that a number of pharmacies have been treating patients by selling them ...

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PNCR’s Committee of Elders to investigate Vanessa Kissoon’s sexual harassment allegation against Aubrey Norton

Even as People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Vanessa Kissoon is reportedly reluctant to report that she was allegedly sexually harassed by party leader, Aubrey Norton, a committee of elders has been called in to investigate the claim. “The executive member, at this time, is not inclined to take such measures,” PNCR Central Executive Committee member, Volda Lawrence said in ...

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Guyana to ask Suriname to explain treatment of arrested Guyanese fishermen

President Irfaan Ali on Thursday said the Suriname government would be formally asked to explain why a number of detained Guyanese fishermen have been prevented from speaking with their lawyers. Minutes after he was briefed by Guyana’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Hugh Todd that lawyers, who were hired by the Guyana Embassy in Suriname, were prohibited from seeing the detainees, Dr ...

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Guyana defends imposition of sanctions without evidence from U.S.; Ali says not compromised by connection to Mohameds

-Nazar Mohamed resigns from neighbourhood council President Irfaan Ali on Thursday said government decided to impose sanctions on Nazar Mohamed and his son, Azruddin as well their businesses without any evidence from the United States (U.S.), but relied on the announcement by the Treasury Department. “Suppose, at the time of sanctions, there was a transaction in process, gold being sold ...

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Kissoon claims Norton sexually harassed her; Norton says will not drop out of re-election race

People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) politician, Vanessa Kissoon on Wednesday took up her party leader Aubrey Norton’s challenge to clear the air about him allegedly sexually harassing her and, despite his vehement denial, she claimed that the incident had occurred. In response, Mr Norton told Demerara Waves Online News that Ms Kissoon’s claim that he showed her his gun and ...

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PNCR leader denies sexually harassing Vanessa Kissoon

Incumbent leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton on Wednesday fended off claims that he allegedly asked party member, Vanessa Kissoon for a sexual favour while he was taking her to Linden at the request of Sharma Solomon. “At no stage was I ever involved in sexually harassing anybody in this country or overseas,” Mr Norton said ...

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Mohameds gold dealer’s licence to be pulled in wake of U.S. sanctions

The Guyana Gold Board (GGB) is finalising preparations to revoke the Mohameds gold dealership license, following the United States’ imposition of sanctions on Nazar “Shell” Mohamed and his son Azruddin, according to well-placed sources. The effect of the sanctions by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for allegedly defrauding Guyana of US$50 million on 10 kilogrammes ...

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