

OPINION:Another futile attempt in defence of election fraud in Guyana’s 2020 elections

By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus “…[T]here were, in fact, shockingly brazen attempts…to derail and corrupt the statutorily prescribed procedure for the counting, ascertaining and tabulation of votes of the March 2nd election…” (COI Report on the 2020 Guyana Elections). “[W]e must ask – on what grounds and by what form of executive fiat does the Chief Elections Officer determine ...

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OPINION: The US has moved, dropped the hammer

by GHK Lall Like a new generation champion lion, the United States of America has marked out its territory. There are no physical barriers, but an infrared light flashes at high intensity: venture at own risk. The People’s Progressive Party tells itself that it is a power answerable to no one. Not even God, I think. There is God, then ...

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OPINION: Guyana: depopulation and repopulation: laws of necessity and inevitability

by GHK Lall There is agreement and disagreement with Mr. Nigel Hughes, arguably one of Guyana’s preeminent legal minds, floor practitioners. I share where I am with both agreement and disagreement, and then offer my little smidgens of refinement. There is agreement on a population of foreigners becoming the dominant skilled presence in the local workforce. But I take that ...

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OPINION: Migration and Security

By Dr Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus, American University, Washington DC I don’t know how many of you have read Jean Raspail’s Camp of the Saints (1973). I put the point this way because, if you haven’t read it, I am not sure I want to recommend you do. It is a work of horrific racial and civilizational arrogance in which ...

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OPINION: Bullies only understand punishment, or “a hit dog will holler”

By Dr Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus, American University, Washington DC Bullies only understand punishment. This is the conclusion arrived at by Professor Joshua Goldstein, author of the bestselling textbook on international relations on that subject, and a former colleague of mine at American University, Washington DC. Goldstein, who can be best described as a ‘defensive realist,’ came to this conclusion ...

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OPINION: Demerara River & Linden-Mackenzie outreach was a major success

By Dr Randy Persaud Critics like Dr Henry Jeffrey do not find good in anything the PPP does. They have a default position of tearing down genuine efforts aimed at socio-economic development and political change. Ironically, these same critics, wail night and day about the need to move the country forward. The latest iteration of the signature opposition wail surfaced ...

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OPINION: The Declaration of Sophia vs considerations from New York: lessons from the tiff between the PNCR and NAR

By Dr. Vivian M. Williams, Esq. Differences between the PNCR, the main opposition party in Guyana and the New York based North American Region Inc (NAR), have spilled into the public domain. The dispute is whether NAR should subject itself to the direction and control of the PNCR. The Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the party which operates from the ...

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OPINION: A man goes to Mocha

by GHK Lall One by one, little by little, there is a trickle then a torrent. Truth cannot be suppressed. A stirring, a small seeping, and soon there is a sea of all that is wrong. The plight of people victimized and marginalized. Pain that pierces can only stay inside for so long, despite the high hands with long whips. ...

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OPINION: Independence and national sovereignty 2024

By Dr Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus It is fashionable for some to claim that while independence produced formal separation from the U.K., we are still not truly sovereign. Their main arguments are as follows – (1) that formal independence has not broken the mental/cultural dependence on White modernity; (2) that formal independence has not allowed us to break free from ...

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