

OPINION: Guyana is in a dark and dirty place

by GHK Lall Corruption is more than a cancer. Corruption is more killing Guyanese by a thousand cuts. Corruption is embalming Guyana while its citizens are still alive. First, the vital national organs are removed. What this country has left is the people that fall under the shell of inhabitants. Citizens are too high a branch to be aimed for, ...

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OPINION: Excellency Ali -a study in the surly, anxiety, and timidity

by GHK Lall In Shakespeare’s Richard III, the endangered king cried out, “A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse…” (Act 5, Scene 4). In Guyana, the people also cried out, ‘a president, a president, anything for a president.’ Look first at what they were willing to trade and give, then examine what they got in return. A warrior-prevaricator-dodger-jester ...

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OPINION: Investment and return on investment in politics

By GHK Lall Give something to get something. When all the textbooks are written, lectures and dissertations delivered, this is what an investment is all about. Of course, it has much more to its DNA, but at a fundamental level, an investment is gambling to get a handsome return. Bigger is better. I look at this today, not from the ...

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OPINION: Red Thread has it wrong again

By Dr Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus You might think that Red Thread, with so many intellectuals on its roster, would write informed and reasoned commentary on the situation in Guyana. Once, again, however, instead of reason we get rant, and instead of constructive criticisms, we are subjected to a barrage of ideological nonsense. The latest iteration of Red Thread’s malarky ...

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