

OPINION: Venezuela should be careful, very careful.

By Dr. Randolph Persaud (Randy), Professor Emeritus States that have relied on belligerence and particularly military aggression in the recent past have not done well. Practically all instances of aggression against small states have failed, either partially or outright. In several instances, leaders of the aggressor states were removed from office, and some even lost their lives. Developments in the ...

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OPINION: A United Guyana can overcome all challenges

by GHK Lall When Guyana is divided, its ability to defend sacred national sovereignty is seriously diminished.  When the patrimonies lead to non-inclusion (division) then Guyana’s sovereignty is at great risk to subservience at the hands of covetous and mischievous neighbors. I have always said that deep diligence in working towards genuine national unity must supersede all other priorities.  Guyana ...

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OPINION: Guyana’s astute diplomacy is paying important dividends

By Dr. Randolph Persaud, Professor Emeritus For most people, diplomacy is a quaint affair. Of course, no one will doubt that there is indeed quite a bit of charm involved in high-level interactions among those charged with the responsibility of protecting the national interest. Behind the wine, hors d’oeuvres, and the requisite blazonries, however, diplomacy is a high-stakes game that ...

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OPINION: President Ali took the high ground, now he must take back this country, lead it

by GHK Lall Someone was kind enough to share the tape of Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali, on British TV.  The counsel was to focus on the latter end of the recording, which I followed.  It was a rare treat, what I would call Excellency Ali’s shining hour.  He glowed with maturity, great self-control under provocative circumstances, and manifested what he ...

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OPINION: Inclusion in Guyana- who has it right, who is deceiving?

by GHK Lall So, who is having a memory lapse, who is having a ‘senior moment’, and who is plain outright fabricating what went on in the meeting between officials of the PPP Government and US Congressman’s Hakeem Jeffries’ delegation?  The PPP Government side that inclusion never came up in the discussions.  The Minority Leader in the US House of ...

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OPINION: Inclusion in Guyana who has it right, who is deceiving

by GHK Lall So, who is having a memory lapse, who is having a ‘senior moment’, and who is plain outright fabricating what went on in the meeting between officials of the PPP Government and US Congressman’s Hakeem Jeffries’ delegation?  The PPP Government side said that inclusion never came up in the discussions.  The Minority Leader in the US House ...

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OPINION: The so-called race dilemma in Guyana

By Dr. Randolph Persaud, Professor Emeritus I read with interest a piece by Collin Haynes in the media talking about a “race dilemma” in Guyana (KN 19/9/2023). The main contention is that “[i]n order for the country to move past racial bias that’s (sic) been ingrained in the moral fabric and political psyche of the nation, every party in power ...

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