

Chase-Green rejects invitation to public meeting organised by Movement Against Parking Meters

Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green will not be attending a public meeting organised by the Movement Against Parking Meters scheduled for tomorrow to discuss the controversial parking meter contract, and its implementation. As part of a series of consultations hosted by the City Council, the Mayor first, through the press corps, extended an invitation to the Movement Against Parking Meters, which ...

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City Council moves ahead with parking meters despite pending Court orders

In face of two High Court orders against the parking meter regime, Georgetown’s administrators are adamant they will continue with the controversial parking meter project as of next monday, February 20. That would be the same day Communities Minister Ronald Bulkan, and Georgetown Town Clerk, Royston King are required to present, before Justice Brassington Reynolds, why Minister Bulkan’s approval of ...

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Parking meter protest gets bigger despite planned 50 percent cut in rates

Despite an announcement that the parking meter fees would be slashed by 50 percent, Guyanese turned out in larger numbers on Thursday to vent their disgust at the agreement between the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) and Smart City Solutions (SCS). Many businesses closed their doors and staff used their lunch-hour to  congregate on Regent Street opposite City Hall to ...

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Anti-corruption watchdog slams parking meter deal ; Mayor to attend MAPM’s consultation

As Guyanese prepare to come out in their numbers again to vent their opposition to the parking meter contract, Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc- a local anti-corruption watchdog- has slammed the deal whose conditions favour the investor beyond the 80-20 stake. “Recent revelations about the original contract for parking meters in Georgetown confirm that the deal was not in the ...

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Code of Conduct and reforms to Constitution, Integrity Commission will help keep away “dirty fingers” from oil earnings- Nagamootoo

Prime  Minister, Moses Nagamootoo on Wednesday said further reform of Guyana’s constitution,  revival of the Integrity Commission and a Code of Conduct for elected officials are aimed at ensuring officials do not steal public funds including those garnered from the oil and gas industry and other natural resource sectors. “I am serious about constitutional reform because it is going to ...

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Chase-Green blames Sherod Duncan for ‘civil unrest’ against parking meters

Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green today scolded Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan for what she said was taking misinformation to the public on the parking meter contract, and causing “civil unrest.” The issue emerged after a motion was proposed, by councillor Noelle Chow-Chee, seeking clarification on what the parking meter contract contained, since there were conflicting reports in the media. The contract, ...

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PPP to file private criminal charges against APNU+AFC coalition ministers

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPPC) will be filing private criminal charges against top government officials including ministers for allegedly enriching themselves from the State’s coffers, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo announced on Monday. Jadgeo gave few details to back his claims, but assured that legal experts were preparing papers to file charges against them.  “We don’t do our business like ...

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City Mayor’s attendance at Town Hall meeting crucial to future of metered parking- MAPM

As the Mayor and City Council continues its consultations with stakeholders on the controversial parking meter system, the largest organised vocal group- Movement Against Parking Meters (MAPM) – on Monday insisted that the existing contract must be scrapped. Group spokesman, Christopher Chapwanya told Demerara Waves Online News that although he and other group members want the deal abandoned, they believe ...

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Mayor Chase-Green says paid-parking continues but no vehicle clamping

Georgetown Mayor Patricia Chase-Green confirmed today with Demerara Waves Online News that vehicles will not be clamped as of today, February 10, 2017, until public consultations are completed on the parking meters project. Chase-Green said consultations with commercial banks will take place on Monday. Today, a number of religious organisations met with the Mayor, where she said packages were offered ...

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