
Law Enforcement

Policemen who allegedly beat, burn suspected teen burglar granted bail

The two policemen, who beat and burned a teenager who allegedly burgled their home, were Friday released on a total of GYD$800,000 bail. The police prosecutor, Inspector Matthew did not object to bail. Constables Daniel Bernard, 24, and Isaiah Bernard, 26, of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara pleaded not guilty to two joint charges when they appeared before Magistrate ...

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“Jail him” -Ramjattan’s first reaction to cops burning teenager

Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan said his first reaction when he learned that a policeman allegedly burned a teenage intruder suspect with hot water was “jail him”. “I said ‘jail him, immediately, lock him up’ and I understand they put them in chains too because this is so atrocious,” he told News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM/Demerara Waves Online News. ...

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Policemen arrested for allegedly burning boy

Two police constables are in custody for allegedly causing injuries to a 17-year-old boy at West Demerara, Police Commissioner Leslie James said Tuesday. The two ranks claimed the teen, who was burned and beaten, broke into their dwelling home at Westminster, West Bank Demerara. The two policemen are brothers, one of whom is stationed at Wales Police Station and the ...

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Police Force athletics coach stabbed to death

An athletics coach and rural constable attached to the Police Sports Club was found dead with several stab wounds at D’Urban Park early this morning. He has been identified as 28-year-old Seon Anthony ‘Cenestro’ Burry of Lot 194 Section A, Field 7, South Sophia. The Guyana Police Force said Burry was found dead at D’Urban Park about 30 metres north ...

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Corentyne sisters charged with assaulting policewoman

Two women, who were seen on a Facebook video allegedly assaulting police and behaving disorderly at a police outpost, pleaded not guilty to several charges and were placed on a total of GYD$100,000 bail. Yasminie ‘Tina’ Ramsew was granted $30,000 bail for dangerous driving, and $10,000 bail each for assaulting a peace officer, and resisting a peace officer. New Amsterdam ...

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East Canje man caught allegedly fetching marijuana to Georgetown location

An East Canje, Berbice resident has been arrested in Georgetown with 46 kilogrammes of suspected marijuana in a car trunk. The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) says Jairam Lalman of 757 Fort Ordnance Housing Scheme was intercepted by anti-drug agents on Mandela Avenue behind the Botanical Gardens. CANU says the 35-year old man was transporting the suspected narcotic in the car ...

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Second prison officer held for alleged marijuana possession

A prison officer attached to the Lusignan Prison was found with a quantity of suspected marijuana when he was searched upon reporting for duty. Director of Prisons Gladwin Samuels says the alleged marijuana was hidden in the officer’s underwear. The police have since been called in to investigate the matter. This is the second officer, within three days, caught with ...

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OPINION: Sleeping policemen. Who watches out for whom?

by GHK Lall Wikipedia offered this extended description cum definition of a sleeping policeman: Speed bumps (or speed breakers) are the common name for a family of traffic calming devices that use vertical deflection to slow motor-vehicle traffic in order to improve safety conditions. Variations include the speed hump, speed cushion, and speed table. “[F]amily of traffic calming devices” and ...

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Drug treatment court opens

Guyana’s first Drug Treatment Court, opened its doors on Monday, aimed at giving convicted drug addicts a chance to receive treatment and reduce overcrowding of the country’s prisons. Located in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court, the facility will permit easier access to resources and personnel, including stakeholders such as the police, social services, health and drug treatment providers for the efficient ...

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Former Chief-of-Staff says GDF, PNCR did not get solid info on Roger Khan

Former Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Retired Rear Admiral Gary Best on Friday said the force and the then opposition People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) did not amass concrete information to charge convicted drug dealer, Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan, with other crimes. Khan and several associates were intercepted by a GDF patrol on December 14, 2002 in a bullet ...

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