
Law Enforcement

Nagamootoo orders police to enforce minibus anti-COVID-19 passenger restrictions

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo on Saturday publicly ordered the Guyana Police Force to ensure minibus operators comply with restrictions on the number of passengers minibuses must carry as part of a slew of measures to contain the spread of the deadly coronavirus, COIVID-19. “I am hoping and I am using the opportunity here to send a signal to the law ...

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Updated: Bartica woman axed to death at airstrip; husband found with self-inflicted wounds

A 37-year-old woman was chopped to death with an axe at the Bartica airstrip and her husband has since been arrested with severe self-inflicted wounds, police said. The dead woman, who was a teacher, has been identified as Natoya Speede. Her husband, who was hospitalised at the Bartica Hospital under police guard,  is Orin King. The Region Seven Divisional Police ...

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GRA suspends processing drivers, vehicle licences; pushes back tax payments to curb COVID-19 spread

The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) on Wednesday announced that it would not be renewing or issuing first-time drivers and conductor licences and motor vehicle registrations until April 30. The tax collection agency also announced that the payment of corporate and individual advance taxes and income taxes for businesses has been deferred until June 30. The GRA said measures to reduce ...

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Protester shot dead while chopping policemen in Guyana post-election violence

A protester at Cotton Tree Public Road, West Coast Berbice, was shot dead by police after he was seen chopping two other policemen who fled after their ammunition ran out while trying to disperse People’s Progressive Party (PPP) supporters angered at the declaration of unverified results for Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica). “The ranks were then attacked by a group of men ...

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Disciplined services early voting today

Early voting on Friday in Guyana’s general elections is underway by members of the disciplined services ahead of the nationally-scheduled date for polling because they will be required to maintain law and order while civilians vote on March 2 and the country awaits the results which can take as many as five days. The Guyana Elections Commission says 10,226 personnel ...

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SOCU boasts of unlicensed gold smuggler, former Rice Board official bribery convictions

The Guyana Police Force says its anti-financial crimes Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) secured the conviction of a gold smuggler and a former official of the state-owned Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB). Vibert Marks was found guilty and fined a total $120,000 on Thursday, February 6, after he was charged with exporting gold without a license and attempting to bribe ...

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Former Chief of Staff Gary Best on station bail for Bentley’s death

After being hospitalized for almost two days, former Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Retired Rear Admiral Gary Best was Monday granted station bail in connection with a deadly road accident. Police said that at about 5 pm Best was placed on GYD$100,000 bail under the surety of his Attorney-at-Law James Bond to facilitate investigations. Police said ...

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Ballot paper arrives under tight security

Ballot paper and other sensitive materials for the March 2, 2020 general elections Friday morning arrived under tight police security at the headquarters of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The arrival and offloading of the shipping container of materials was witnessed by GECOM Chairman, Claudette Singh and the six other election commissioners as well as the Chief Elections Officer, Keith ...

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Fewer crimes, guns on streets since 2015 -former police chief

Former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix Wednesday night boasted that since his A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition came to power in 2015, there has been a 30-percent decline in serious crimes and more than 500 guns have been seized. Felix, who is Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, rattled off the figures and other achievements in the ...

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Man wanted for questioning in connection with injuries to infant

A 25-year-old security guard, Oswin Pollard, is wanted by police for questioning into serious injuries sustained by a nine-month-old baby, police sources and the mother confirmed. Francina Williams, 27, said the incident was first reported to the police outpost at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) but to the best of her knowledge nothing had been done and so she ...

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