
Law Enforcement

Benn tells police force: talk properly, clean toilets, stop extortion, wear less jewellery

The Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, on Tuesday scolded the Guyana Police Force for poor quality members, despite a 20 percent drop in serious crimes for about four years, saying the time has come for them to cease taking bribes, end wearing a lot of valuable jewellery as a sign that they are taking inducements, and ensure police stations’ ...

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Guyana prepares to widen evidence for extradition

The National Assembly is next Monday set to amend the Fugitive Offenders Act to allow for the use of evidence that would not otherwise be accepted under the laws of Guyana to facilitate the extradition of persons. “A record of evidence of the case against the person, including evidence that would not otherwise be admissible under the laws of Guyana, ...

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Global law enforcement standards institution accredits police training centres

Three Guyana Police Force (GPF) training centres across the country have been accredited by the United States-headquartered International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST) at that organisation’s conference currently underway in the state of Arizona, the US Embassy said. The diplomatic mission, Pan American Development Foundation (PADF) and the police force made the announcement that the ...

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Brazil’s Defense Ministry monitoring Venezuela- Guyana situation, intensifies defense actions on northern border

The Ministry of Defense said on Wednesday that it is monitoring the situation between Venezuela and Guyana and that defense actions “have been intensified” in the border region, to the north of the country, the highly credible newspaper reported. According to the Ministry, there was reinforcement of military personnel in the region. Senator Hiran Gonçalves (PP) asked the Ministry ...

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Lawyer compensated, receives police force apology for her unlawful arrest

A lawyer, who was arrested more than one year ago at the Guyana Police Force’s Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) while representing her client, has received a High Court-ordered apology and GY$700,000 in compensation. A day after Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire issued the orders in favour of Attorney-at-Law, Tamieka Clarke, the arresting officer Police Superintendent Krishnadat Ramana and the Head ...

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Govt wary of national security risks of Venezuelans coming here

Wary of the security risks of the Venezuelan government using the exodus of refugees to infiltrate this country with military personnel and spies as part of more aggressive efforts to seize Guyana’s county of Essequibo, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said Guyana’s security personnel were screening people arriving here. “The security forces are taking that concern seriously – the one raised- ...

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GDF Coast Guardsman arrested for allegedly assaulting policeman on duty

A Guyana Defence Force Coast Guardsman has been arrested for allegedly assaulting a policeman on duty at the western end of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, police said. Police say the incident occurred at about 8 o’clock Friday night when Constable Wilson, who was on anti-crime patrol, approached a car that was trying to change lanes and so caused traffic congestion. ...

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Venezuelan armed gang opens fire on Guyanese police, soldiers

Members of a Venezuelan sindicato gang opened fire on a joint patrol of Guyanese police and soldiers on the Cuyuni River, the Guyana Defence Force said. The army said no one was injured during the incident that occurred on the bordering river on Wednesday, September 23. “None of the ranks received injuries and they returned fire,” the GDF said. The ...

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Ramjattan admits to staff that APNU+AFC lost elections, the PPP “has beaten us”

Leader of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has admitted to staff of the Ministry of Public Security that the coalition of his party and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU+AFC) lost the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections. “It is with a little sadness…I rather suspect that tomorrow there will be a declaration that the numbers were ...

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Man arrested for woman’s decomposed body in barrel

Police in Berbice say they are still probing the death of a female whose decomposing body was found in a barrel in a trench that separates the villages of Belvedere and Hampshire, Corentyne, Berbice, on Saturday morning at about 9:30. Investigators say the decomposing body bore injuries to the face, body and limbs, and a multi-coloured bed sheet was reportedly tied ...

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