

Jagdeo, Norton in bitter row over recruitment of Bangladeshis, other foreign healthcare workers

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton on Thursday accused the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration of failing to pay healthcare workers more but was preparing to hire Bangladeshis and other foreign healthcare workers at higher salaries, but Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo said they would be paid the same as Guyanese. “You cannot bring Bangladeshis, bring whoever you want to bring and ...

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Chicken pox outbreak at Lusignan Prison; APNU+AFC, govt at odds over response

The Ministry of Health (MOH) on Tuesday confirmed that an outbreak of chicken pox at the Lusignan Prison has afflicted 53 prisoners at that East Coast Demerara penal institution, but denied claims by the opposition coalition that nothing was being done to prevent the disease from spreading. The Health Ministry, in confirming that there were 25 active cases of chickenpox ...

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Guyana govt approves private sector recruitment of foreign health-care workers; not limited to Bangladeshis- Todd

Foreign Affairs Minister Hugh Todd on Monday confirmed that government has given approval to a private company to hire health care workers, and said that the company could now do so from any other country not just Bangladesh. “They have amended that…It can be Latin America and the Caribbean, it could be Asia. It is broad now so they are ...

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Guyana mulls hiring foreign nurses

Guyana is considering the hiring of foreign nurses to man the several hospitals that are under construction, even as hundreds of local nurses continue to migrate mainly to the United Kingdom (UK), a top government official said Wednesday. “Soon we may have to bring in nurses to work in the country- because, once those hospitals are completed and most of ...

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US gifts Guyana COVID-19 anti-viral pill

The United States (US) on Wednesday donated 1,000 doses of Paxlovid, an oral pill that is used to treat COVID-19 patients with a high risk of severe illness or death, to Guyana, the embassy here said. The embassy said that medication complements a separate donation of 354,660 Pfizer vaccine doses. Speaking at the handover of the doses to the Ministry ...

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GPHC can now break up big kidney stones without open surgery

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has now acquired modern equipment that can use ultrasonic energy to break up large and complex kidney stones without the need for open surgery, the health care institution said. The GPHC said so far more than 20 persons have benefitted from the state-of-the art Swiss Lithoclas Master ultrasonic lithotripter that was acquired at a ...

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Stevedore supervisor dies in accident on John Fernandes Limited wharf

The Ministry of Labour  said it was investigating a fatal accident which occurred at approximately 7:38 AM Tuesday morning, at the John Fernandes Limited Port Facility on Water Street, Georgetown. The Labour Department said 64-year-old Trevor Jones, a stevedore foreman of Mandela Avenue, East Ruimveldt, was walking behind a super reach stacker as it was reversing when the accident occurred. ...

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Guyana’s modern new pathology lab will reduce wait times for results; improve cancer research, serve CARICOM

The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation’s (GPHC) new, sophisticated Pathology Laboratory will reduce the time persons wait on cancer test results, and the service will also be available to sister Caribbean Community, officials said at the official opening of the multi-million dollar facility. “We want here to be the go-to center in the Caribbean and I think with the types of ...

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UWI School of Medicine to be located in Guyana

President Irfaan Ali on Sunday announced that the University of the West Indies’ (UWI) School of Medicine would be relocated to Guyana He said the School of Medicine would be located in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) to also allow students from beighbouring Suriname to study there. No date was provided as, according to Dr Ali, discussions were continuing with UWI. ...

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