

Talks begin on building renewable energy power plant in Guyana

The Guyana government and a major Japanese solar energy company last week opened talks on constructing a renewable energy power plant in Guyana. Last Friday, a group of investors from the United States, Japan, Korea, the Malaysian Group, Smart City Clearing Corporation, and Capital Fund met with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s Chief Executive Officer of the Hinterland Electrification Company ...

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Cheap, reliable electricity needed – GMSA, IDB

The Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) on Thursday reiterated the need for cheaper electricity, a call that was backed up by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). President of GMSA, Shyam Nokta issued the call for a reduction in taxes on fuel at the formal opening of his organisation’s Annual General Meeting held at the Marriott Hotel. “Tax measures introduced ...

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