

Commonwealth says Guyana in unconstitutional rule; urges President to set “early election date” “without delay”

Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland on Monday indicated that Guyana has entered a period of unconstitutional rule and the only way to reverse that is for President David Granger to “immediately” name an elections date for Guyanese to go to the polls “without further delay”. “The rule of law and constitutional governance are fundamental Commonwealth values to which Guyana has subscribed,” ...

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More Cabinet talks this week on election date -Granger

President David Granger says he will this week hold another round of consultations with his Cabinet and hopes that the outcome of those deliberations will lead to his announcement of a date for general elections. “The full Cabinet will meet again on Tuesday…,” he said. He described the issue of naming an election date as “urgent”. He said Tuesday’s Cabinet ...

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President chides former European colonisers for attempting to “correct other people”

President David Granger on Sunday chided descendants of former European colonisers for attempting to “correct” instead of apologising and compensating for African slavery, at an address to the 2nd annual general assembly of the International Decade for People of African Descent Assembly – Guyana (IDPADA-G). “Some of the authors of that crime against humanity have never apologised, have never paid ...

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AFC, WPA divided on asking PPP for parliamentary extension

The Alliance For Change (AFC) and the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) were Friday divided on whether overtures should be made to the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to extend the life of the government now that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) says it will be ready to conduct elections any time after late February, 2020. AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan cautioned ...

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Private sector organisation apologises to President for “unruly” protest; Juan Edghill labels Granger “petty”

The Guyana Manufacturers and Services Association (GMSA) on Friday apologised to President David Granger for the “bad manners” protest by opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) supporters while he was addressing that business organisation’s luncheon. “Our Executive Board wishes to express its sincerest apology to you for the distressing public display of bad manners exhibited, with the obvious intention of ...

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Jagdeo, Irfaan Ali sought to “incite violence”against President Granger, ministers; “hooliganism and thuggery” will not be tolerated – President’s office

The Ministry of the Presidency on Friday accused Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo and People’s Progressive Party (PPP) presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali of inciting violence against President David Granger and government ministers, actions the government deemed as intolerable “hooliganism and thuggery”. “Peaceful and civilised protest action is common in any democracy, but it becomes a sign of worry when a Presidential ...

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Coalition will accept general election results and won’t tolerate political unrest- Granger

Granger reacts to heckling: “I hope that the intellectual authors of the disorder would be able to stop what they have started.” Jagdeo to Granger: “ I don’t give a damn about your threat.” President David Granger on Thursday promised that the governing coalition would accept the results of the next general elections now widely expected any time after February, ...

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President to discuss GECOM February 2020 election readiness with Cabinet; rejects foreign diplomats’ claim of breached constitution

The Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Retired Justice Claudette Singh on Thursday informed President David Granger that that elections management authority would be in a position to conduct general and regional council elections by the end of February, 2020. Opposition People’s Progressive Party elections Commissioner Sase Gunraj confirmed this to News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM/Demerara Waves Online News. ...

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PPP supporters disrupt Granger’s address at luncheon

Several People’s Progressive Party (PPP) supporters on Thursday heckled President David Granger and raised placards as he delivered an address on the political situation to a private sector luncheon. Senior police officers, including Divisional Police Commander Assistant Commissioner Marlon Chapman persuaded the protesters to leave the Essequibo Room at the Pegasus Hotel. While the protesters, including Juan Edghill, Peter Ramsaroop ...

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