

Foreign Minister rails against international calls for Guyana to abide by constitution

US. Congressman Gregory W. Meeks welcomes Granger’s setting of elections date Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Karen Cummings on Wednesday rubbished calls by intergovernmental organisations – the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organisation of American States (OAS) and the European Union – as well as the United States and United Kingdom for President David Granger to abide by Guyana’s constitution. “All this ...

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Granger constitutionally declares March 2, 2020 as general elections date

Amid mounting international pressure to end “political uncertainty”, President David Granger at midnight Monday proclaimed March 2, 2020 as the date for general and regional council elections. “The President, by the power vested in him by Article 61 of the Constitution of Guyana, to by proclamation, appoint the day for an election under Article 60 (2) appoints 2nd March 2020 ...

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GECOM revokes controversial claims and objections order and reverts to customary system

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Monday backed down from a gazetted plan for all eligible electors in the country to take their records to a commission location for verification, and instead reverted to the customary Claims and Objections process. GECOM Chairman, Justice (Rtd.) Claudette Singh’s National Registration (Residents) Order of September 26 had required all 646, 625 persons, once ...

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GECOM’s new Claims and Objections method is “backdoor” attempt to remove names from voters list, flouts laws – former House Speaker

Former House Speaker, Ralph Ramkarran on Sunday said the Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM) request for all persons on the preliminary voters’ list to self-verify their existence by going to commission outposts with their registration records flouts the constitution, laws and the High Court. “It is clear that the intention behind the order requiring persons “in Guyana” whose names appear on ...

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Leading MAPM activists join PPP’s Civic

Two leading architects and activists of the Mass Action People’s Movement (MAPM), an organisation that originally opposed the introduction of parking meters in Georgetown, have decided to join the loosely-knit Civic component of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Don Singh confirmed that he and Marcel Gaskin have decided to be part of the Civic group and will push “from ...

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“Essential to ensure free and fair elections” -US, UK, EU

The United States, United Kingdom and the European Union on Friday said they were ready to support Guyana in having free and fair general elections. “It is now essential to ensure free and fair elections which we are pleased to support with elections assistance and monitoring along with other colleagues in the international community,” their top diplomatic envoys said in ...

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March 2, 2020 is general election day even without opposition-approved parliamentary extension – Granger

President David Granger on Thursday made it clear that general elections would be held on March 2, 2020, even if the opposition does not approve extending the life of the government. “If the opposition doesn’t go to Parliament, then we will abide by what I said last night: elections will be held on the 2nd of March. That is as ...

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Granger says elections possible in March but Parliamentary extension needed

President David Granger on Wednesday announced that general and regional council elections could be held as early as March 2020, but his administration will be seeking an extension of the life of his administration when Parliament reconvenes on October 10, 2019. “I am pleased to announce that, after discussions with Chairman of the Elections Commission and with my Cabinet, the ...

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President to address nation on elections; claims and objections begins Oct. 1

President David Granger is expected to address the nation on Wednesday. This follow’s Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting at which the issue of holding of credible General and Regional elections in Guyana at the earliest possible time was high on the agenda. Government’s Department of Public Information says the time of Granger’s address to the nation will be made known. Meanwhile, police ...

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OPINION: When tones are sharper and temperatures higher – time to tighten and stay cool

by GHK Lall Things are getting testy. I detect impatience, exasperation, and indignation from His Excellency, President David Granger. More than frustration and, more accurately, growing anger. This is from a leader, who has a well-earned reputation for unruffled calm and the disciplined strength of stoics in his words and comportment. Thus, when even a David Granger feels compelled to ...

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