
Daily Archives: Saturday, 19 March 2016, 21:12

PPPC claims big Local Govt elections victory; to take alleged abuse of State resources to House

ppp albion

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 21:12 by Denis Chabrol Ten months after losing general elections by a slim margin, Guyana’s main opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) on Saturday claimed a significant victory in Local Government Elections held a day earlier. “As a result of this overwhelming electoral support, the PPP/C emerged victorious with over 60% of the votes ...

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No LGE recall laws! Harding legally untouchable

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 16:50 by   While President David Granger has promised that there will be some discussion in the APNU on the election  of alleged child molester Winston Harding, it has been reveal that the Party cannot legally ask Harding to resign. This was explained by GECOM Commissioner Vincent Alexander who explained that Guyana’s local ...

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Region 6 recounts holding up full declaration of results

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 16:03 by Denis Chabrol Chief Elections Officer (CEO) of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Keith Lowenfield has revealed that requests for recounts coming from interested Parties in District 6 (Region 6). Lowenfield told reporters at a press conference on Saturday that the requests are for limited recounts and only affect certain areas. Some ...

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APNU+AFC takes control of most towns

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 15:18 by Denis Chabrol A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition has gained clear control of five of Guyana’s nine towns in the country’s Local Government Elections (LGE) held Friday. The party is claiming victory in Georgetown, Linden and New Amsterdam as well as the two new towns of Bartica and ...

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Gov’t says LGE voter turnout “better than anticipated”

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 14:57 by Denis Chabrol The APNU+AFC is defending its decision not to name Friday March 18, a National Holiday to facilitate Local Government Elections (LGE) saying that the turnout to Friday’s polls was better than what was expected. Credible sources have told Demerara Waves Online News that GECOM insiders had forecast a 30 ...

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Recall of Harding from Council to be discussed; Granger wants explanation from Lawrence

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 16:53 by With growing concerns over the APNU’s endorsement of an alleged child molester and that person now having been elected in his constituency, the question of whether Winston Harding would actually be heading to the City Council is being constantly asked. Harding, who was contesting in Constituency 13 (East and West Ruimveldt), ...

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Candidates won because of big Party endorsements – Granger

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 13:28 by President David Granger says that candidates from the two major political Parties, APNU+AFC and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), that managed to secure victories in Friday’s Local Government Elections, were able to do so because of their political backing. Preliminary results from yesterday’s polls indicate that candidates fielded by the APNU+AFC ...

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U.S., UK and Canadian Diplomatic Observers Find Local Government Elections Free and Fair

Last Updated on Saturday, 19 March 2016, 9:08 by Denis Chabrol GEORGETOWN –– The U.S. Embassy, British High Commission and Canadian High Commission congratulate the Guyanese people on the democratic process that we observed in yesterday's local government elections. We wish to reiterate our strong and considered opinion that the voting and counting processes in the Guyanese local government elections ...

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