
Tag Archives: Venezuela

OPINION: Venezuela’s elections: hoping for the best, preparing for the worst

by R. Evan Ellis As Venezuela moves toward promised national elections on July 28, my heart is with the hopes of Venezuelans for a miracle that will translate their courageous act of voting, into a restoration of democracy. Everything I have seen unfold in the country over the past 25 years of my career in government and the private sector following Venezuela leads me to ...

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APNU+AFC files questions again concerning US Secretary of State’s visit after House Speaker disallows first batch

The opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) on Tuesday filed questions again on the visit by United States (US) Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, hours after House Speaker Manzoor Nadir refused to entertain several questions without notice on the same issue. Mr Nadir told the House that the questions by frontbencher Amanza Walton-Desir to Foreign Affairs Minister ...

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Gov’t warns US that PPP poses geo-political, economic risks to South America

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition administration, labelling itself as “pro-American”, is warning the United States (US) that the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) poses a geopolitical and economic threat due its close ties with China, Russia and Venezuela. “If the PPP gets control of Guyana, China and Russia will control the Northern region of ...

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Venezuela remains one of Guyana’s biggest rice buyers, despite no PetroCaribe deal

Venezuela is Guyana’s biggest rice market, accounting for 34 percent or 177,682 tonnes of all that grain exported to several Latin American countries the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) said in a statement. This means that despite Venezuela stopping the rice for oil PetroCaribe agreement with Guyana in 2016, a number of private exporters are still selling rice to that ...

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OPINION: ExxonMobil contract, from the horse’s mouth: Guyana held to ransom

by GHK Lall The Hon. Minister of Natural Resources, Mr. Raphael Trotman, MP, has now spoken a little more about what could have—perhaps, should have—been negotiated, finalized, and executed at the time with the now standing, sacrosanct ExxonMobil contract, and all of its troubling terms. Mr. Trotman is on the money on a few things about that contract, but I ...

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OPINION Five years to real oil prosperity could be an eternity

by GHK Lall Five years to 2025, according to the Hon. Minister of Finance. That is how long before the oil money would start coming in, the real meaningful money. The money that, if honestly and wisely (prudent is the word) used, could make a world of difference for Guyanese. Every single citizen. I can only agree with anyone, who ...

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US hails Guyana’s support in Venezuela’s crisis

The United States (US) Department of State on Monday thanked Guyana for its support in the 14-member Lima Group that is seeking to find a peaceful end to the political and humanitarian crisis in neighbouring Venezuela. Addressing a conference on “Enhancing Offshore Exploration and Production Regional Capacity: Operational and Environmental Safeguards” at the Marriott Hotel, Guyana Desk Officer at the ...

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Venezuelan rivals cross swords over relinquishing claim of oil-rich Guyana’s Essequibo

Reproduced from Argus Media Venezuela’s rival political authorities are trading accusations of relinquishing the country’s historical claim to a large swath of neighboring Guyana on the eve of ExxonMobil’s launch of offshore production there. Venezuela’s executive vice president Delcy Rodriguez today released what she says is a months-old tape of Vanessa Neumann, the UK envoy of opposition leader Juan Guaido, ...

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Guyana rejects use of force in Venezuela

The Guyana government on Wednesday rejected the use of force to resolve the political impasse in neighbouring Venezuela. “Guyana reiterates its rejection of violence and the threat or use of force as acceptable means for the resolution of conflict, and calls upon all parties involved to vigorously pursue the search for a peaceful and democratic solution to the crisis for ...

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140 Venezuelans arrive on North-West ferry

140 Venezuelan migrants arrived in Georgetown at 0500 hours Wednesday on the MV Barima which departed from Kumaka in Barima-Waini (Region One) Tuesday, Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix has confirmed. The Minister informed that the migrants were documented, immunised and taken to the Guyana Police Force’s Eve Leary headquarters in the capital Georgetown. Of the total number of migrants, about ...

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