
Tag Archives: United States

Guyana, U.S. sharing more intelligence on small arms -top U.S. official

American Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bonnie Jenkins on Friday said the United States (U.S.) was satisfied with the heightened level of intelligence sharing between the two countries as part of their cooperation in combatting small arms trafficking. “I can’t say how much intel sharing is actually taking place but I do know that we’ve been able ...

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Guyana to amend laws to facilitate easy extradition to US

Attorney General Anil Nandlall has told the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) that Guyana would next week amend its extradition laws to allow for “easy” extradition of persons to and from the United States (US). “Next week we will enact a slew of amendments to our extradition laws which will make it easier for extraditions to take place from ...

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US seems closer to removing Cuba from list of State-sponsored terrorists – Guyanese Int’l Relations Professor

Former University of the West Indies (UWI) International Relations Professor, Mark Kirton said the United States’ (US) erasure of Cuba’s name from a list of countries not cooperating fully in fighting terrorism signaled that that communist-ruled nation could soon be taken off Washington’s list of terrorism sponsors. “The Cuban administration has made significant efforts to be part of any anti-terrorism ...

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OPINION: America, where are you? Guyanese, do you see what I see?

by GHK Lall There is something in the air that introduces edginess. Something is not smelling right. The atmosphere has a taste that’s strange; it is not quite metallic, but there is an acidic strain about it. It has to do with the good, ole U.S. of A. I am getting the heebie-jeebies, getting ready to stand to attention. Reading ...

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President hints foreign military help on standby if Venezuela becomes reckless

President Irfaan Ali on Saturday hinted that Guyana has received commitments from its “strategic partners” to respond to any military aggression from Venezuela after the December 3 referendum that seeks to annex the 160,000 square kilometre county of Essequibo. Asked whether Guyana would be seeking military support from the United States (US) or its other strategic partners in countering any ...

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Guyanese accused cocaine trafficker arrested on arrival in Kenya; deported to US

The Guyanese national who was arrested two days ago at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport has been deported to the United States to face justice on drug-related charges, the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation reported on Sunday. According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Christopher Richard Spencer was deported Saturday night to the US via a New York-bound flight. The fugitive ...

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European Union flags downsides of Chinese loans

The European Union (EU) on Wednesday raised concerns about the pitfalls of borrowing from China to finance and build major infrastructural projects. Deputy Managing Director for Americas, European External Action Service Mr Javier Niño Pérez, during a question and answer session at the University of Guyana, disagreed with those who say that China offers better conditions. He said China would ...

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OPINION: Americans are now faced with two critical emergencies: the COVID-19 pandemic, and Donald Trump

by Paul Sanders, New York Had you watched Trump’s press briefing on Monday you’d conclude by now that the man occupying the White House should be in an inpatient mental-facility. His manic, gibbering ragefest was a complete meltdown shitshow of a failed man who has long ago passed the limits of his competence and knowledge. It was an angry, needy ...

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Marcus Bisram freed of murder charge three months after extradition from US

Marcus Bisram, the Guyana-born American, who was extradited to Guyana to answer a murder charge, was Monday freed because the Magistrates’ Court found that there was no evidence on which to convict him. Defence Lawyer, Sanjeev Datadin confirmed that Magistrate Renita Singh “upheld my no case submissions” during the preliminary inquiry to determine whether there was sufficient evidence for him ...

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