
Tag Archives: People’s Progressive Party

OPINION: The US has moved, dropped the hammer

by GHK Lall Like a new generation champion lion, the United States of America has marked out its territory. There are no physical barriers, but an infrared light flashes at high intensity: venture at own risk. The People’s Progressive Party tells itself that it is a power answerable to no one. Not even God, I think. There is God, then ...

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Local gov’t elections are also about national issues- APNU

The opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on Saturday encouraged Guyanese to vote solidly against the People’s Progressive Party in Monday’s Local Government Elections (LGE) to signal their disgust with a range of national issues. “Let us use our votes to send a message to the PPP (People’s Progressive Party) that life is hard in Guyana. Use our votes ...

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Jagdeo loses High Court arguments on jurisdiction to hear elections case

The High Court on Friday ruled that it can hear a request for a judicial review of a decision by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to recount votes cast in the March 2 general elections. Lawyers for People’s Progressive Party Representative of Candidates List, Bharrat Jagdeo, however, applied for leave to appeal Justice Franklyn Holder’s decision that he has jurisdiction ...

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PPP says large number of APNU+AFC voter list objections “unsubstantiated”

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Friday expressed concern that the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has objected to 3,000 names on the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) in Region 5 (Demerara-Mahaica), but said so far the coalition has been unable to prove its case. The PPP said two hearings by the Guyana Elections ...

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PPP rubbishes AFC’s call to extend gov’t’s life ahead of elections

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Saturday night ruled out returning to the National Assembly to extend the life of the government, despite a fresh call by the Alliance For Change (AFC) to ensure the constitutionality of the elections is not challenged. “Needless to say, despite the rantings of the corrupt cabal, the PPP maintains that its return to the National ...

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PPP supporters block gov’t minister from entering Pegasus hotel for presidential engagement

Opposition People’s Progressive Party supporters accosted and sought to block at least one government minister from entering the Pegasus Hotel where President David Granger was expected to address a private sector luncheon. Minister of Public Infrastructure David Patterson was unable to access the south-western gate to the hotel because it was locked. When the protesters realised that it was Patterson, ...

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Spending oil money impossible before elections – Finance Minister

Due to the failure of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the Private Sector Commission (PSC) to nominate representatives to sit on an oversight committee to manage Guyana’s Natural Resources Fund (NRF), also known as the Sovereign Wealth Fund, Finance Minister Winston Jordan says government will be unable to spend the monies until after general elections. He said if ...

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Most PPP supporters reject Irfaan Ali; Granger will face tougher battle against Nandlall, Anthony -opinion poll

The People’s Progressive Party Civic’s presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali is being rejected by most party supporters who instead favour Anil Nandlall or Dr. Frank Anthony, according to an opinion poll conducted by the little-known Turkeyen Research and Polling Institute. TRPI, which is headed by United States (US)-based Political Scientist, Dr. Baytoram Ramharack, said the David Granger-led governing A Partnership for ...

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Gov’t takes aim at Roger Khan ahead of his return

The Guyana government has signaled that it has taken aim at convicted drug lord, Roger Khan, who is yet to be deported from the United States where he had served 10 years for trafficking cocaine. Attorney General Basil Williams, in Tuesday night rejecting opposition concerns that he had allegedly threatened post-elections violence if there was no house-to-house registration to create ...

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Hundreds of Lindeners participate in house-to-house registration

Hundreds of Lindeners have so far registered since the commencement of house-to-house registration on July 20, a Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) spokeswoman said. Among those who jotted down their names to be included in a new National Register of Registrants are potential first-time voters and regional officials, who are ensuring they set the example in getting registered promptly. GECOM teams ...

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