
Tag Archives: oil and gas

APNU+AFC gov’t, ExxonMobil had no agreement for Guyana to pay for new headquarters -Mahipaul

Opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) parliamentarian Ganesh Mahipaul on Friday said his then governing coalition and ExxonMobil never agreed that the US$160 million that would be spent on building a new headquarters building at Ogle, East Coast Demerara would be recovered from oil revenues. “I’m guided that there were discussions and there was no agreement with ...

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Guyana, ExxonMobil about to ink Payara well approval; hefty fines for flaring, dumping untreated water

Guyana is on the verge of signing an agreement with ExxonMobil for its Payara Development Plan that would provide for hefty fines for flaring and the dumping of untreated water back into the sea, Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat said Friday. He told News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM/Demerara Waves Online News that the actual fines were still under discussion ...

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OPINION: No longer about the lesser of two evils, just the plainness of two evils

by GHK Lall The opposition should be delighted with where it is positioned today, how it is well-poised for that decisive burst of perverse brilliance as the electoral finish line appears in sight. I would, too, given the circumstances of the competition, in view of its twisting and turning airlessness existence. For, as I see things, the opposition can conserve ...

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No place for lip-service against corruption, time for action -UG best graduating student

University of Guyana (UG) 2019 valedictorian, Shane Rampertab Saturday morning issued a stirring appeal for graduates to play a major role to fight corruption as the country prepares for the start of commercial oil production next month. Addressing the first of two graduation ceremonies at the Turkeyen Campus, he said his call for an end to corruption was in the ...

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ANUG makes pitch for PNCR, PPP votes to bring true shared governance

A New and United Guyana (ANUG) on Sunday called on traditional supporters of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) and the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-led coalition to vote for it, promising to introduce a governance system that will force those two big parties to work together. The call was issued by top ANUG executives at the opening of its ...

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Tullow eyes shore base in Guyana, appraisal wells to be drilled next year

The United Kingdom-headquartered Tullow Oil, which has discovered oil twice offshore Guyana, says it is already advancing plans to set up a shore base here. Tullow’s Head of Communications, George Cazenove says the shore base will be established in another two to three months. “We will have a shore base here…. You will see a greater presence,” he told News-Talk ...

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Need for unannounced visits to oil operations – EPA Chief

The Executive Director of Guyana’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr. Vincent Adams on Monday cited the need for unannounced visits to oil industry operations, even as American and British oil companies discovered more oil offshore the northeast coast of the South American nation. “Unfettered access to the site: There should be no prevention or stiff-arming of government employees or people ...

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OPINION: Clashing Guyanese and American priorities

By GHK Lall The US Ambassador could not have been clearer in where, from the perspective of her responsibilities and country, the priority of interests focuses. Though couched in the careful and studied language favored by diplomats, there could – and should – be no mistaking the position of strength from which she spoke, and the thrusts embedded in those. ...

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