

Foreign experts to help re-program GPL’s management

Fifteen foreign advisers are to be hired to help strengthen the Guyana Power and Light’s (GPL) management and reduce losses currently pegged at GPL’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Robert Badal said that the US$7.4 million component of the Public Utility Upgrade Programme would be used to hire seven engineers and other training experts from Manitoba Hydro International with global experience. ...

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Integrity of new Oil and Gas Association boss under microscope

Less than one week after the Guyana Oil and Gas Association (GOGA) was formally launched, the future of it President and Chief Executive Officer, Bobby Gossai Jr. hangs in the balance after reports surfaced that he was named in a recent government-sponsored forensic audit. GOGA said in a statement that it was unaware of the “specific contents” of the Audit ...

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Gafoor’s Industries decides its future after two fires

Baffled at two recent fires at Gafoor’s Industries’ Houston, East Bank Demerara that resulted in almost US$20 million dollars in losses, management has already decided its next move if there is third blaze. Managing Director, Sattaur Gafoor declined to divulge the decision. He said one of the major concerns in the aftermath of the second fire is whether the insurance ...

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Nothing new in Granger’s address to Parliament- Jagdeo

Opposition Leader  Bharrat Jagdeo sought to shred President Granger’s address to Parliament on Thursday, charging that it contained nothing new. “I think people prepared the speech for him. They just brushed out the old documents and he genuinely believes that he is announcing new initiatives here. He just doesn’t know,” he said in reference to the President’s address. He said ...

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Jagdeo pours cold water on Granger’s olive branch

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo Thursday afternoon dismissed overtures by President Granger to arrive at “consensus and compromise.” “He said it many times. It’s all rhetoric. Has the President ever done anything significantly to move this forward?” Jagdeo told a news conference. The former Guyanese leader said government’s social cohesion programme, under the umbrella of Minister Amna Ally, is more a ...

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Guyana moves to stamp out identity theft, boost border intelligence, fight narcotics

Guyana has decided to take steps to stamp out identity theft and boost border security intelligence, President David Granger announced on Thursday. In an address to Parliament on the first day following the two-month recess, the President suggested that fingerprints would be included in Guyana’s new national identification cards. “The National Registration (Amendment) Bill will guard against identity theft by ...

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Granger sounds conciliatory tone despite PPP walkout on him

President David Granger on Thursday hoped that the walkout by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) parliamentarians just as he was about to address the National Assembly would not be a obstacle to “compromise and consensus.” “Let us hope that despite the absence of the opposition today, we will continue to search for and find avenues for compromise and consensus,” ...

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Bartica resident shot dead, robbed of raw gold, motorcycle

A Bartica resident was shot dead and robbed of a quantity of raw gold that he was transporting to Bartica on behalf of his employer, his brother told Demerara Waves Online News. The foreman of the mining operation, who fled as the robbers fired shots at him, remained in police custody three days after the incident. Dead is 24-year old ...

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Afro-Guyanese groups mobilising to seek help from govt

Several Afro-Guyanese organisations on Wednesday formally bonded themselves together to take up President David Granger’s challenge to craft a programme of activities for the United Nations Decade for People of African descent and meanwhile address urgent issues. “It is recognised that this Compact represents a short-term approach for the resolution of issues and situations that require immediate action and that in ...

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PPP to boycott President Granger’s address to Parliament

The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) parliamentarians will boycott President David Granger’s address to the Parliament on Thursday because he is expected to preach double-standards on good governance, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo said. “We will not listen to him. We need to send a signal to this country, PPP supporters as well as ordinary people, that we will not allow ...

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