

Man jailed for fraudulent conversion after selling AC Units

A nine-month sentence was on Monday handed down to a man for stealing Air Conditioning (AC) units. The charge against Gangadeen Mahase is that between January 11, 2016 and January 26, 2016 he fraudulently converted three AC units valued at $582,921, property of Rajeshwar Singh. Mahase pleaded guilty to the charge when it was read to him by Magistrate Leron ...

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Crum-Ewing’s parents upping pressure for fresh probe, new trial

Almost one month after a man was freed of the murder of political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing, due to insufficient evidence, his parents on Monday picketed outside the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Chambers to press demands for a fresh probe and trial. They are calling on acting Police Commissioner, David Ramnaraine  to conduct a fresh and thorough probe and for the ...

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Public Service Commission Chairman’s submission over-ruled; to challenge Tribunal in High Court

Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC), Carville Duncan plans to challenge the legality of a Tribunal hearing to determine whether he should be removed from that constitutional post, his lawyer Anil Nandlall said Monday. Nandlall told Demerara Waves Online News that the Tribunal over-ruled his submissions and he would be moving to the High Court later this week. He said ...

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Man jailed for stabbing boy

A 31-year-old man was on Monday sentenced to 9 months in prison after appearing in court for stabbing an 11-year-old boy. The charge against Carl Anderson Braithwaite is that on September 15, 2016 at Avenue if the Republic, he stabbed the Virtual Complainant (VC), thereby causing actual bodily harm. When it was read to him, the defendant pleaded guilty. According to ...

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Caricom suspends tariff on several inputs for Guyanese manufacturers

The Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA) on Monday announced that the suspension of taxes and duties on several inputs now that the Caribbean Community (Caricom) but it would be pushing for the permanent removal of those items from the Common External Tariff (CET) list. “The Guyana Manufacturing & Services Association GMSA, was pleased to be informed by its membership that with ...

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Govt denies offering PSC Chairman, Carville Duncan monies to resign; Duncan calls Harmon “a liar”

In the face of Minister of State, Joseph Harmon’s blunt denial that he or President David Granger offered Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Carville Duncan monies to resign, Mr Duncan on Monday lashed back calling Harmon a “liar.” “Harmon is a liar,” Duncan told Demerara Waves Online News. He said the question that now arises is what motivation government ...

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PNCR Region Three Chairman opposed Granger; complains about in-fighting

The Region Three Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Mark Walkes has for the first time publicly stated that he had opposed party leader David Granger, but the two men have one thing in common- they love their party’s founder leader, Forbes Burnham. Walkes also promised to lodge formal complaints with the PNCR’s headquarters against certain persons who allegedly attempted ...

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Barbadian passenger held allegedly with cocaine strapped to body

Guyanese anti-narcotics police said a Barbadian young man was caught with almost one kilogramme of cocaine strapped to his body. Police said the 22-year old man was held at about 1:15 PM at the Eugene F. Correia (Ogle) International Airport while he was an outgoing passenger. The estimated 914 grammes of cocaine, investigators said, were found strapped to his legs. Several Guyanese ...

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Invest oil revenues in job creation- US Ambassador

Although ExxonMobil says that oil production offshore Guyana is expected to directly employ less than 200 persons, United States (US) Ambassador, Perry Holloway says job creation will depend heavily on how this poor Western Hemisphere country spends its oil revenues. “The real significant job creation will come about from the revenue generated from the oil find. The government, in consultation ...

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Joining global anti-corruption natural resources watchdog will help improve Guyana’s rating- Trotman

Reeling from decades-old international concerns about little transparency and accountability, Guyana hopes that its eventual joining of the global watchdog- Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)- will help attract more investors in the natural resources sector. “EITI will bring many benefits to Guyana: an improved investment climate, a signal to international investors that the government has a clear commitment to transparency ...

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