

Updated: Interior road improvements expected in two weeks; major overhaul in road repair plan from next year

Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson said interior road users could expect some improvements in two weeks and a plan has been crafted to avoid a recurrence next year. He acknowledged that part of the problem appeared to have been the award of contracts “a bit late” by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission. Sources ...

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Construction of Linden-Lethem road to begin this year

Preparatory work continues apace for start of construction of the Linden-Lethem road which will link Guyana with neighbouring Brazil later this year, officials said. Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge said the status of the decades-long promised bridge was discussed with Brazil’s Minister of External Relations, Aloysio Nunes Ferreira’s one-day visit to Guyana on Thursday. Greenidge said technical teams from both countries ...

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Security Association knocks Crime Chief over comments on Simona Brooms- guards altercation

The Guyana Association of Private Security Organisations (GAPSO) on Thursday slammed the Guyana’s Police Force’s Head of Criminal Investigations, Assistant Commissioner Paul Williams’ criticism of how the security guards’ dealt with Junior Minister, Simona Broomes at a restaurant parking lot. Referring to a July 12, 2018 article in the State-owned and government-controlled Guyana Chronicle newspaper, GAPSO said Williams’ expectation that ...

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Broomes refuses to speak on parking lot fracas; “We didn’t come into government for issues like this. We came into make changes”- Volda Lawrence

Even as Junior Minister of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes refused to say whether she would apologise to two security guards with whom she had a now almost one week old fracas, Vice Chairperson of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Volda Lawrence said she was taken aback by one of the personnel’s account of the incident. While Broomes was on ...

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American Chamber of Commerce comes to Guyana

The American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM), which is affiliated to the United States Chamber of Commerce,  is preparing to establish an affiliate in Guyana to attract and represent American business interests, American Ambassador to Guyana, Perry Holloway said Wednesday night. He said AMCHAM Guyana is expected to set up shop by August, 2018. “The first ever official American Chamber of ...

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Simona Broomes – security guards altercation “very unfortunate” if reports are accurate- Amna Ally

General Secretary of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Amna Ally on Wednesday said if the reported account of an altercation between Junior Minister of Natural Resources and two security guards at an East Bank Demerara restaurant’s parking lot is factual, then the incident is “unfortunate”. “Of course, if it is that something took place as is reported, it’s unfortunate, ...

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Govt could take greater stake in Berbice Bridge or subsidise operations- Jagdeo

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo on Wednesday recommended that government buy shares in the Berbice River Bridge or increase its subsidy to the major east-west thoroughfare across the waterway if it does not want to approve a hike in tolls. He said Berbicians could not afford the steep increases that the Berbice Bridge Company Inc. is asking Public Infrastructure Minister, David ...

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Jagdeo skirts questions on commanding majority internal support for his presidential candidate nominee

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Bharrat Jagdeo side-stepped questions on whether he thinks his preference for the party’s presidential candidacy can secure a majority of the 35 Executive Committee members. “That’s a subjective matter. I am not even sure a single one will support me. I am not sure. They are all bright people selected by our ...

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Volda Lawrence apologises to security guard in fracas with Simona Broomes

Vice Chairperson of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Volda Lawrence has apologised to a security guard who said he was locked up by police for 16 hours for allegedly abusing Junior Minister of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes. “Tonight I met young Josh Rambarran a security guard at New Thriving Restaurant Providence, who told me a story about what happened ...

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