

ExxonMobil to conduct study on natural gas offshore Guyana

ExxonMobil, which is the operator in the Stabroek Block, would be conducting studies this year about the natural gas deposits that are offshore Guyana, ExxonMobil Guyana’s Projects Manager Anthony Jackson said. “We have committed to develop and submit a gas utilisation study, a gas development study,” he told a public scoping session on the proposed Whiptail project which is expected ...

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No time frame for parliamentary disclosure of gas-to-energy documents

Despite repeated efforts by the opposition coalition of A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) for a specific date by which government would release the final investment plan and other documents about the gas-to-energy project to parliamentarians, Prime Minister Mark Phillips on Thursday would only say “in due course”. APNU+AFC parliamentarian Ganesh Mahipaul asked whether Mr Phillips would be ...

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Audit report of ExxonMobil’s US$7.3 billion expenses to be ready in March

The report on how ExxonMobil spent  US$7.3 billion in Guyana is expected to be finished in March and would likely be tabled in the National Assembly, Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat told the National Assembly. Touching on the perceived delay in completing the audit, he said the agreement was for VHE Consulting to finish the audit in 120 “working ...

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ExxonMobil, Qatar helping to draft Guyana’s gas leak management, monetization plans

Qatar is expected to send two experts to Guyana to assist with the development of gas leak and gas monetization plans which are being crafted by ExxonMobil, Minister of Natural Resources Vickram Bharrat said. In response to A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) parliamentarian David Patterson, the minister told the National Assembly’s consideration of 2023 budget estimates of ...

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Shots fired “in the air” at Buxton as civilians attempted to violently free drug trafficker- CANU

The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) on Wednesday said its agents fired several shots “in the air” at Buxton, East Coast Demerara where members of the public attempted to free a suspected drug trafficker at the end of a high-speed chase. “Members of the public became hostile, assaulted several officers and damaged several of the unit’s vehicles in an attempt to ...

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Soldiers deployed to support firefighters in clearing Buxton Public Road

Armed soldiers were Wednesday afternoon dispatched to Buxton Public Road to support firefighters as they doused burning objects across the major east-west corridor before rush-hour traffic. After the fire was extinguished shortly before 3:30 PM, a frontend loader, with soldiers perched on it,  moved the burnt material off the roadway as residents of Buxton stood on the side at the ...

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Stop blocking roads in Buxton- Home Affairs Ministry

The Ministry of Home Affairs on Wednesday afternoon appealed to persons who have blocked roads in Buxton with burning tires and other debris to stop doing so, as they pressed demands for the release of a suspected narcotic trafficker. “The Ministry of Home Affairs is calling on persons engaged in the blocking of the roadways and other illegal activities to ...

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Fire on Buxton Public road after drug suspect arrested

Fire was Wednesday afternoon set across the Buxton Public Road after agents of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) opened fire and arrested a man allegedly with a quantity of marijuana in his possession, CANU Head James Singh said. The driver of the car has been identified as O’Darie Phillips, and the car he was driving has  a logo of “Team ...

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GECOM approves local govt constituency boundaries; opposition commissioners object

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Tuesday, by a majority vote, approved the constituency boundaries for Local Government Elections that are slated for this year, but opposition election commissioners claimed that the demarcations amount to those that had been announced by Local Government Minister Nigel Dharamlall. “The report represents exactly what the Minister had illicitly sought to foist on GECOM. ...

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GY$43.3 billion allocated for natural gas power plant, natural gas liquids plant, transmission lines

The Guyana government intends to spend GY$43.3 billion on the construction of the gas to energy power plant, natural gas liquids plant and the transmission lines, Prime Minister Mark Phillips said Monday. During consideration of the estimates of the 2023 National Budget, Mr Phillips, in response to APNU+AFC parliamentarian Ganesh Mahipaul’s request for a breakdown, said GY$33.672 billion would be ...

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