

Guyana laying groundwork to become Caribbean medical hub

Guyana is training more nurses, providing advanced training to doctors, buying higher quality equipment and encouraging surgeons from across the Caribbean to come here to share their expertise as part of a wider plan to gear up the country to become a medical “hub” for the rest of the region, according to Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony. “In another couple ...

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Bids in for Corentyne River Bridge

A Dutch company and a Chinese company have submitted bids to Guyana’s National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) to build the Corentyne River bridge. They are The Netherlands-headquartered Ballast Nedam and China Road and Bridges. Ballast Nedam has built most major river bridges in Suriname. Demerara Waves Online News was told that the next step is for the bids ...

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ExxonMobil mum on opposition claims about agreement with govt on reduced costs

ExxonMobil on Friday remained silent amid calls by Guyana’s opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) for the company to exhibit integrity and admit that it informed the lawmakers that it had reached an agreement with government to reduce disputed costs from US$214 million to US$3 million. A company spokesman said he forwarded a Demerara Waves Online News ...

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Guyana running out of coastal land to distribute- Ali

President Irfaan Ali has said that Guyana is running out of large acreages of land on the coastal strip. Speaking at the recently held Guyana-Canada Chamber of Commerce Dinner and Awards, he said, “the reality is that we don’t have that land now on the coast.” He said he asked for pictures of new developments asked for pictures of the ...

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Opposition MPs reject Jagdeo’s claim that ExxonMobil never told Patterson of “agreed” reduction in audit cost

Opposition parliamentarian David Patterson and two other colleagues Thursday night rubbished earlier claims by Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo that ExxonMobil officials denied that they ever told a meeting with A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) parliamentarians that the company had agreed to reduce disputed audited costs from US$214 million US$3 million. Mr Jagdeo related that after learning of ...

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ExxonMobil says MP Patterson’s claim of reduced audited costs “not accurate”- Jagdeo

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday said ExxonMobil denied claims by opposition parliamentarian David Patterson that government had decided to reduce the audited costs from US$214 million to US$3 million. Government reiterated that, through the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), it was challenging the US$214 million in costs that Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) as part of the US$1.67 ...

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Guyana turns to Cuba to increase honey production as T&T prepares to slacken honey law

Hopeful that Trinidad and Tobago will soon lift its colonial-era ban on foreign honey, Guyana is enlisting Cuba’s support to increase honey production, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha said Tuesday. “We have some specialists from Cuba that will help us to start our apiary in Guyana,” he said when asked by Demerara Waves Online News. Apiaries, he said, are expected to ...

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Mahipaul asks PPC to investigate pump building contracts; NDIA explains slothfulness in works

Opposition parliamentarian, Ganesh Mahipaul on Monday asked the Public Procurement Commission (PPC) to investigate whether the successful contractors in the construction of a number of pump stations had proven their track record and why less than 30 percent of the works have finished. “All the projects are way past their completion date and are not even 30% completed. My contention ...

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Guyana Cancer Society, in collaboration with GTT, others, hold specialist medical outreach in Bartica

The Guyana Cancer Society has partnered with GTT, Ministry of Health, the US Embassy and several cancer support organizations in holding a specialist medical outreach at the Bartica Regional Hospital in Cuyuni – Mazaruni (Region Seven).  A contingent of 15 specialist doctors including  two gynaecologists, one pediatrician, one urologist, five dentists, four ophthalmologists, and two Internal Medicine specialists were aided ...

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Guyana improving cancer screening, testing capacity

Guyana’s public health care system is now delivering cancer biopsy results in less than two weeks rather than waiting several months, says Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony. After visiting the doctor and biopsy specimens from suspicious lumps are taken, he said up to last month it took a long time before patients received results, resulting in the “agony” and distress ...

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