
Author Archives: Writer

Govt. purchases billions in drugs without public tender

The Guyana Government this past year spent close to GYD$2 billion under questionable circumstances, including without a public tender or on an emergency basis. The revelation was made today (May 8, 2017) in the National Assembly when Government Ministers supplied responses to a slew of questions posed by Peoples Progressive Party Civic Member of Parliament, Bishop Juan Edgehill. With regards ...

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Linden woman charged with drug trafficking

Thirty-five year old Marsha Reece stood in the Georgetown magistrates’ court before chief magistrate Ann McLennan where an indictable drug trafficking charge was read to her. The charge alleges that on May 4, 2017  in Linden, she had in her possession 197.6 grammes of cocaine in her possession for the purpose of trafficking. Defense Counsel ,Adrian Thompson,  in a bail ...

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Govt. announces plans to formally scale back annual sugar production

The Guyana Government has decided to reduce the amounts of sugar it produces on an annual basis, retain only three factories and take over health  and drainage and irrigation services offered by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)- all aimed at producing a targeted 147,000 tonnes of the sweetener annually at a profitable price. The announcement was made today (May 8, 2017) ...

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Youths charged with murder of teen at school concert

Two youths were Monday remanded to prison after appearing in the Georgetown Magistrates’ court for the murder of 16-year old Brian Charles Yearwood. Seventeen year old Andy Peters and 21-year old Shannon Cox appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan where the charge was read that on April 29, 2017  at Covent Garden, East Bank Demerara they murdered Yearwood. The incident ...

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AG Williams gets slew of eminent legal advisors

Attorney General and Minster of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, has been provided with a slew of eminent legal minds to serve as ministerial advisors. The announcement was made by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, during a post Cabinet press briefing today (May 4, 2017) at the Ministry of the Presidency. According to Harmon, “Cabinet has approved the establishment of a ...

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Suspected bandit charged with murder eight years ago

Nine years after  man allegedly shot and killed a woman during a robbery, he was caught and indicted for murder. Thirty-four year Sylvester Vanderhyden of 3974 Block A Tucshen, East Bank Esssequibo stood before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan charged with the offence. The charge read that on November 5, 2008 at Agricola, East Bank Demerara he murdered Melissa Angela Payne. ...

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UK security reform money for Guyana by year end

Security sector financing that had been rejected from the British Government by the now ousted Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Administration under the Security Sector Reform Programme (SSRP) could very well be released to Guyana by the end of the year. Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge, made this disclosure today (May 3, 2017), when he met ...

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Man charged with attempted murder of suspected police informant

A man was Wednesday arraigned on a charge of attempted murder of a someone he believed had informed police about a crime he had allegedly committed. Twenty-four year old Denzil Wilson of Costello Housing Scheme was charged with the attempted murder of Seon Wright by stabbing him several times about his body. The incident occurred on May 2, 2017. Wilson ...

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Gasper denies political involvement despite APNU’s push

Gregory Gasper, the man leading Team Change to challenge Patrick Yarde for the GPSU’s Presidency Tuesday (May 2, 2017) distanced himself from a Ministry of the Presidency’s social media missive which labeled him newly elected President of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU). Gasper, in an invited comment, told Demerara Waves, he is unsure as to where the Ministry of the ...

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GLU roasts Granger’s broken workers’ promises…as unions call govt. back to bargaining table over wages & salaries

The David Granger administration was Monday (May 1, 2017) called out over its failed promises to workers, when union leaders gathered to join with others across the globe to celebrate Workers’ Day/Labour Day/May Day. Among the presentations to the modest crowd which converged at the National Park following the traditional route march, was Guyana Labour Union’s (GLU) Executive Member, Latoya Drakes, ...

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