
Tag Archives: opinion

OPINION: Guyana – a rising star

By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus For the past several months, columnist GHK Lall has been trying to make a case against the PPP on economic grounds. He tried everything in his repertoire but came up empty-handed. The truth is the Guyanese economy is roaring both at the level of macro-economic fundamentals, and also at the level of individuals and ...

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OPINION: The Argyle Declaration and the Price of Peace with Venezuela: Guyana’s saving grace may be the international value of a declaration and Article 2 of Guyana’s Constitution

By Retired Rear Admiral Dr Gary Best For sixty years and counting, Venezuela has occupied Guyana’s sovereign half of Ankoko Island, along the Guyana-Venezuela border. This should be kept in mind as we navigate the Argyle Declaration. Importantly, the Argyle Declaration recently forged between Guyana and Venezuela leaves much to be desired, except the saving grace of weak international recognition ...

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OPINION: The power of positioning: Guyana won, Venezuela lost

by GHK Lall I admit to a sense of awe. If it were not for its mental deformity, it would have been a thing of exceptional beauty. I point to and speak of the PPP Government machinery. It is supposed to be working for the national interest, through accentuating the positive, when such may be nothing but a figment of ...

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OPINION: Hon. Anil Nandlall has it right on ExxonMobil-Maduro dynamic

By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus In a recent letter to the editor, Mr. Christopher Ram suggested commentators express opinions for the good of the order. The comment was made in the context of some caution provided by Hon. Anil Nandlall (SC), Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs. Mr. Nandlall (SC) cautioned that criticism of ExxonMobil can be used ...

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OPINION: No government can endure without trust

By GHK Lall The foundation and engine room of any governance mechanism is credibility. The willingness of citizens in their various segments–be they critics, adversaries, cynics, neutrals, even believers–to invest confidence and reliance that integrity and good faith course through officials and processes, as guided by law: respecting of and bowing before the law. Using these as bases, I contend ...

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