
Tag Archives: Guyana Gold Board

Guyana cracking down on gold smuggling

Guyana has begun cracking down on the smuggling of gold out of the South American nation, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo told a news conference just days after three persons were arrested allegedly attempting to smuggle 240 ounces of the silver-plated metal to the United States. I just want to forewarn those who have been engaged in this practice that we ...

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Guyana Gold Board clears air on dealer licence granted to man held with 30 pounds of gold

The Guyana Gold Board (GGB) on Monday confirmed that a gold dealer’s licence was issued to Adolphus Mining Inc. after checks and verification were done on one of the company’s principals in whose possession a large quantity of raw gold had been found. The Board also confirmed that television reporter, Travis Chase is a director of the company which was ...

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Dirty cash being laundered through money transfer agencies

Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of Guyana, Matthew Langevine says there are increasing suspicious reports of money launderers and drug traffickers piping their dirty monies through money transfer agencies. The FIU head said it has also been discovered that individuals involved in predicate offences tied to drug and human trafficking and money laundering are utilising the services of ...

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Gold Board wants to buy “all gold” directly from miners

The state-owned Guyana Gold Board (GGB) is further decentralising its operations by deploying roving representatives in mining communities, General Manager Eondrene Thompson announced Monday. The GGB’s main office is located in Georgetown and a satellite office in Bartica, in addition to agents who are licensed dealers. But Thompson said her entity wants to buy all of the precious yellow metal ...

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Gold Board employee accused of stealing gold bar

An employee of the Guyana Gold Board , who allegedly stole one gold bar worth GYD$2.1 million from the entity, was Monday granted GYD$200,000 bail. Ronald Singh, 30, of 161 Hibiscus Avenue, Eccles, East Bank Demerara pleaded not guilty to the charge that he stole the bar of the precious yellow metal weighing eight ounces, nine grams. The gold was ...

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