
Tag Archives: GHK Lall

OPINION: Guyana – a rising star

By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus For the past several months, columnist GHK Lall has been trying to make a case against the PPP on economic grounds. He tried everything in his repertoire but came up empty-handed. The truth is the Guyanese economy is roaring both at the level of macro-economic fundamentals, and also at the level of individuals and ...

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OPINION: GHK Lall owes diners an apology

By Dr Randy Persaud Some things make you angry. Other things can make you sad. And then there are things that just make you wonder. You wonder why. Why would a presumably rational individual who often professes love of country conduct such a vile attack against an international brand just opened in Guyana? If you know me, you know I ...

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OPINION: Plain and simple – GHK is intensely jealous of Jagdeo

By Dr Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus I have no interest in analyzing any individual for the sake of it. That stuff is just boring. Yet, GHK Lall’s intense and almost pathological focus on Jagdeo forces one to ask questions about why the relentless attention. I said before, and it is worth repeating here: GHK Lall is making a career through ...

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OPINION: Time for APNU+AFC to explore living with PPPC -Sam Hinds

By Samuel Hinds Like many other Guyanese, I have been finding the letters of Mr GHK Lall learned and erudite and entertaining, yet, even so, a little troubling in its study purveying of us the PPP/C as being much the same as the PNC/R/APNU+AFC. Not so. Great and significant are the differences between us in beliefs, world view, actions and ...

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OPINION: Opposition Leader a proven master spinner without equal

by GHK Lall I am astonished that the honorable leader of the opposition—left the intellectuals and academics, the authorities and experts, and the pundits and powers—took to the microphones and cameras mid last week to target me by name in one of his Academy award press conferences. I was hailed a “government spinner.” I am wondering whether to be impressed ...

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OPINION: There must be softening across the political battlefield

by GHK Lall Compliments of a Demerara Waves article (July 31) it was reported that coalition commissioners appear “softer on house-to-house-registration.” Softer is not a sign of weakness; it is of commonsense wisdom. The same must come from across the floor, since none holds any clear upper hand, nor would be able to claim any powerful position beyond an election. ...

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OPINION: Guyana at the precipice: two radically unprecedented realities today

by GHK Lall As I watch and reflect upon the unyielding political impasses, the questions that come are: what is so different this time? What is so compelling, so inflammatory, that there is neither space nor opportunity nor inclination to lean forward, to reach for something—anything—that would narrow the yawning space in Guyana’s political no man’s land? What is there ...

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OPINION: Political and bureaucratic cheating brings intense personal recoiling

by GHK Lall When I read of one suspiciously underhand episode after another involving senior people in this country, there is intense personal recoiling. For in my book, their three-card character, believed sophisticated schemes, and too many times rickety defenses fail either to win sympathy or to garner any speck of support. Rather, there is sharp disgust for what I ...

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