
Tag Archives: APNU+AFC

OPINION: No exit for GHK Lall

By Dr. Randy Persaud, Professor Emeritus Good writers always have an exit. By this I mean that when you back yourself into a corner, you have a full repertoire of strategic or tactical moves that can bail you out. This is normal when you write regularly about politics, and especially important when you situate yourself in the upper echelons of ...

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OPINION: Guyana elections: Rigging for Dummies

by Paul Sanders, New York It will probably take a degree in law. Or political science. Or whatever! They should have seen this coming. Guyanese are living through the world’s stupidest era. Stupidity, while innately comical especially in the political sphere, often comes with a side of brutality. And we are forced to suffer fools. It took, more or less, ...

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APNU+AFC New York supporters told “pay your own” airfares to Guyana to vote

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) has told governing coalition supporters in the United States that they will have to pay their own airfares to return home to vote in general elections on March 2. Addressing a fund-raising town hall meeting in Brooklyn, New York, Chairman of the PNCR’s New York Group, Errol Lewis said supporters would begin travelling to ...

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APNU, AFC locked in battle over formula for parliamentary seats

The Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) are yet to agree to a formula for allocating parliamentary seats after the March 2, 2020 general elections, with APNU Chairman, David Granger and AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan set to meet again next week Monday. The two political leaders are yet to agree on how their coalition’s winnings ...

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PPP says large number of APNU+AFC voter list objections “unsubstantiated”

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Friday expressed concern that the incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) has objected to 3,000 names on the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) in Region 5 (Demerara-Mahaica), but said so far the coalition has been unable to prove its case. The PPP said two hearings by the Guyana Elections ...

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Coalition stole PPP idea of free university education – Jagdeo

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday accused the governing coalition of stealing his People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) idea to offer free university education if it wins the next general elections. A day after Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo told Essequibo Coast residents that he and President David Granger were examining the possibility of scrapping tuition fees for attending the University ...

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Free university education mooted as gov’t rolls out pro-youth election campaign

The incumbent David Granger-led administration appeared increasingly poised to target, again, youths in its bid to be reelected at general elections likely to be held later this year. The campaign by the governing A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition to target youths, Guyana’s single largest voting block, took aim at the education sector where the majority of ...

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AFC’s US campaign firm can’t be compared to PPP’s disinformation plan – Ramjattan

Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has defended his party’s decision to have hired a United States (US)-based company that said it targeted undecided voters and helped secure a victory for the governing APNU+AFC coalition, even as he said it would not be the same as the opposition’s plan to peddle fake news and disinformation in the ...

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