

Welcome back to political reality, President Granger

As one who took issue with President Granger’s initial comments on the Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry Report, I feel obligated to commend the president for his most recent comments which to mind are more in keeping with his stature and that of the office he holds. As a reminder, I felt his comments last week were clearly partisan and ...

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Equating State Violence with the Resistance it engenders is wrong

My critique of State Violence against citizens since Independence, including those who oppose the government has understandably enraged opinion on both sides of our ethno-political divide. The two opinions have one thing in common—they both contend that the state under their party’s watch was reacting to violence perpetrated against the State. That line is not new; these proponents may not ...

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Lessons of Walter Rodney’s Assassination: We have to deal frontally with the question of State Violence

By Dr. David Hinds Like other comrades of Walter Rodney, I welcome the findings of the Commission of Inquiry. Although I had misgivings about the motives of the PPP for setting up the commission, once it started I fully supported it. Whatever, its shortcomings, it was the furthest we had gone on this matter in three decades. For us his ...

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“The cost of the fist is too high and this must stop”- PPP on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Violence Against Women continues to be a major cause of human rights violations against women in Guyana and around the world. During the past decades, several initiatives were taken by government and non-government organizations and individuals to reduce and/or eliminate this scourge from our society. Yet, it seems that there has been an increase in domestic violence incidence due to ...

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Op-Ed: U.S. Embassy Recognizes the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

By U.S. Ambassador Perry L. Holloway The world community joins us today, November 25th, in recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW).  It is a time to renew our commitment to end this scourge and to stand in solidarity with women and girls who have been victimized.  Millions of people across the world are rallying ...

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World Must End Violence against Women- UNFPA

Statement of UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women One in three women worldwidehas experienced physical or sexual violence, most often by an intimate partner. In most countries, fewer than four in 10 survivors of such violence seek help. Violence against women and girls includes domestic and sexual violence, human trafficking and harmful practices, ...

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Message on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon The atrocity crimes being committed against women and girls in conflict zones, along with the domestic abuse found in all countries, are grave threats to progress. I am deeply concerned about the plight of women and girls living in conditions of armed conflict, who suffer various forms of violence, sexual assault, sexual slavery ...

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Statement for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Wednesday 25 November is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence.  The 2015 commemoration is themed “Orange the World:  End Violence against Women and Girls”.   In her Statement , the UN Women Executive Director emphasises that violence against women and girls is not acceptable or inevitable, and ...

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A “NO” Excitement Budget – Initial Assessment

by Dr. Peter Ramsaroop The first failure of APNU Jordan’s formulation ofthe 2015 budget was the title “A Fresh Approach”.  His reading of the 2015 budget demonstrated border line incompetence as an Economist.  His title should have read “Building on Economic Success”.  Financial Data numbers at the transition distinctly demonstrated the need to build on the platforms that APNU inherited ...

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