

Hundreds of vendors from Stabroek environs to be relocated ‘temporarily’

Hundreds of persons plying their trade in the environs of Stabroek Market were on Thursday summoned to a meeting at the Georgetown City Council where they were informed of a definite plan to relocate them “temporarily.’ The vendors sat under a tent in the compound as Town Clerk Royston King made the announcement. King declared that the move was part ...

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Age of criminal responsibility to be raised, wandering decriminalized – Ramjattan

Vice President and Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan says that the new Juvenile Justice Bill would be seeking to implement a myriad of changes for juvenile justice while decriminalizing wandering. Ramjattan made the statement while delivering the feature address at the first of three consultations on the draft Bill that is expected to be taken before the house in the ...

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Driver of blood-stained taxi also charged with Hackette’s murder

A second man was arraigned Monday for the murder of Simone Hackette whose body was found in a canal at Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara days after she had told family members that she was going to collect a parcel that had been sent by her child’s father from Mahdia. Taxi driver Ranachal Singh of Good Faith, Mahaicony, East Coast ...

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Article on transfer of GA2000 hangar to BK International retracted; apology issued

Demerara Waves Online News hereby retracts the insinuations, allegations and contents of a previously published article that the Minister of State, Joseph Harmon might have been involved in ordering the Cheddi Jagan International Airport transfer the GA2000 hangar to BK International. Demerara Waves hereby further issues an unqualified apology for any harm and or hurt that said publication may have caused ...

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21 days for completion of $150M Durban Park project

Government has earmarked some $150M for the completion of the Durban Park Project will has been taken under the wings of the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson at a press conference on Thursday noted that cabinet approved the monies at its last meeting and the Ministry will now be taking full responsibility for the project. The ...

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Updated: Ramotar says US$5 M for GT&T shares still outstanding

Ex-President Donald Ramotar on Thursday maintained that US$5 million for Guyana’s shares in Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT) have not yet been paid. “The five million US (dollars) is still outstanding,” he told Demerara Waves Online News.  Later Thursday, he issued a prepared statement calling on the government to lay bare its records to show that the money was paid ...

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APNU, AFC for high level anniversary talks

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC) are due for high level talks in early May to discuss developments and progress made under the coalition administration, says AFC Executive Member Raphael Trotman. The meeting will come at a time when the Government would observe one year of being in office and will review it’s performance. Trotman ...

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Harmon aboard Chinese jet: Possible conflict with draft ministerial code, but Harmon did no wrong

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman on Wednesday acknowledged that the provision of an aircraft to Minister of State Joseph Harmon by existing and prospective Chinese investors in Guyana’s forestry sector for domestic travels to their locations in China could conflict with the proposed ministerial code of conduct and was sure it would not happen again. “It could lead to a conflict ...

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US Human Rights report cites PM’s “headline” concern

The United States’ 2015 Human Rights Report has cited Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo’s directive to the state-owned Guyana Chronicle newspaper that all headlines must first get his office’s green-light. ‘In August the prime minister issued a directive that all headlines in the state-owned print media be first scrutinized and approved by his office before they are published. The directive was ...

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