

Harmon confident in transparency on D’urban Park project; calls critics’ statements “unfortunate”

by Derwayne Wills Even as critics challenge the David Granger administration’s commitment to transparency and accountability, State Minister Joseph Harmon is adamant government has maintained transparency “throughout” their time in office. Recently in the National Assembly, Opposition MP Juan Edghill laid a parliamentary motion calling for the government to come clean on the financial arrangements of the D’Urban Park Jubilee ...

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26 percent hike in private sector minimum wage

Workers in the private sector will from January next year get a more than 26 percent increase in their wages and salaries, government announced Wednesday. The new minimum wage is now GYD$255 per hour, up from GYD$202. Minister of Social Services, Volda Lawrence accepted a recommendation by the Tripartite Committee to hike the minimum wage from January 1, 2017. The ...

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Region Three Deputy REO arrested in US allegedly with cocaine

The Deputy Regional Executive Officer for Region Three (West Demerara- Essequibo Islands), Ameena Marlyne Hinds has been held in the United States (US) allegedly with a large quantity of cocaine. Sources said the 36-year old Ameena Hinds has been absent without leave for the past two weeks, a situation that would eventually result in her services being terminated. She was held ...

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Authorities watching self-styled Pope in sex-tape scandal

The recent sex-tape scandal that rocked self-styled Pope Emmanuel / Philbert London and his Beacon Ministries church is gaining the attention of government. Minister of Social Services, Volda Lawrence said she has been speaking with a few lawyers to deal with that “very technical” situation in which the sexual activities involving adults seemed to be consensual. Among the considerations, she ...

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Public Service Commission Secretary to be transferred

The Secretary to the Public Service Commission (PSC), Jaigobin Jaisingh on Tuesday said a request has been made for him to be transferred, subject to the approval of the PSC. He declined to say where he would be transferred to, and he did not know of any instance in which a request for transfer by the ministry responsible for the ...

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Larry London refuses to disclose D’urban Park contributions

Secretary to Homestretch Development Inc; Larry London on  Tuesday declined to disclose the amount of donations that that company had received for the development of D’urban /Jubilee Park. London, who is the Company Secretary, instead referred all questions to Public Infrastructure Minister, David Patterson although he conceded that he did not authorize him to speak on the matter. London, who ...

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Fmr. police sergeant to stand High Court trial for alleged murder of common-law wife

A former Guyana Police Force Sergeant, who is accused of the murder of his common-law wife, was Tuesday committed to stand trial for the indictable offence. City Magistrate, Fabayo Azore said the prosecution proved that there was sufficient evidence for Colin Bailey to stand trial by a High Court Judge and jury for the alleged murder of  his common-law wife, Surmattie ...

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Govt virtually rules out GYD$600 million bail out for Georgetown City Council

Communities Minister, Ronald Bulkan said government is not inclined to provide a $600M “bailout” for City Hall, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported Tuesday. The money that the Georgetown municipality seeks is to assist the cash-strapped town to meet expenses and pay creditors. However, Minister Bulkan said Government will not bailout the municipality. The Minister was speaking at an engagement ...

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Govt votes against further scrutiny of Public Service Commission of Inquiry Report

The opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPPC) wanted the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Public Service to be sent to a bipartisan parliamentary select committee to decide on the next steps, a desire that the Guyana government ditched Monday night. “The recommendation of my colleagues on the other side that this matter goes to a special select committee cannot ...

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Govt blocks PPP motion demanding answers on D’urban Park

Despite a parliamentary motion in the National Assembly Monday night demanding answers on the financial arrangements surrounding the D’urban Jubilee Park, government was not inclined to provide all the answers demanded by the political opposition. Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson did however provide some answers to questions asked within the motion, but these answers, according to Opposition MP Juan Edghill, were ...

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