

Parika murder suspect arrested

 Police in ‘D’ Division arrested the elusive suspect in relation to the recent murder of Dhanwantie Ram, 29, about 02:00hrs this morning at Parika, East Bank Essequibo, during which process he received a gunshot wound to his right arm.   He (suspect) was escorted to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where he was treated for his injury, later sent away and ...

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“I will do everything possible to help you to get jobs”- Granger tells youths

President David Granger on Saturday assured that he would try his best to find jobs for youths,  in an address to residents of Friendship Village in the Pomeroon River, Pomeroon-Supenaam (Region Two). He urged parents, teachers, community leaders and civil society bodies to assist the Government to identify youths, who are in need of jobs, particularly those who may not have completed ...

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Enmore NDC says it owns computers that SARU seized; denies “illegal” sale plot

Vice Chairman of the Enmore Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), Iqbal Dawud on Saturday denied that there was a plot to sell several computers that were seized by  government earlier this week, saying they are the Council’s property and a decision had been taken to sell them because they are outdated. He said the decision was made at a public statutory meeting ...

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President appeals for political collaboration in Region Two

President David Granger has appealed for an end to political bickering in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), which is controlled by the main opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP). “We are aware that the Region faces challenges, but we have to work together to overcome those challenges. One of the challenges is [that] of political collaboration. Another challenge is of social cohesion. These ...

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Mohammed powers WI to historic ODI Chase against Pakistan  -Host draw first blood at Providence 

by Clifton Ross Jason Mohammed etched his name in cricket history books when he smashed an unbeaten 91 to help the West Indies complete their highest successful chase in ODI cricket after beating Pakistan by four wickets in a thriller played at the Providence National Stadium, Guyana yesterday. In a match where over 600 runs were scored, Mohammed showed that ...

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Govt foils Enmore-Hope NDC’s “illegal” sale of computers- Public Telecoms Ministry

In the wake of concerns by the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) that agents of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) swooped down on the Enmore Neighbourhood Development Council and carted off a number of computers, the Ministry of Public Telecommunications said Friday that they foiled an attempt to sell the items illegally. “Officials from the eGovernment Project Execution Unit paid ...

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Suriname: Fuel price hike triggers massive protest

by Ivan Cairo PARAMARIBO, Suriname; For the second day in a row several thousand disgruntled citizens marched in the streets of the capital Paramaribo Friday calling on the Desi Bouterse-administration to revoke the recent price hike for fuel. Initiated by the 30-year old Maisha Neus some 1500 people held a protest demonstration Monday at Independence Square opposite the Presidential Palace ...

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CLICO’s Duprey asks for evidence of debts owed in Guyana …now set sights on local housing sector

by Gary Eleazar Majority shareholder and principal owner of Colonial Life Insurance Company (CLICO), Lawrence Duprey has set his sights on billion dollar local housing market and has asked for evidence to back of the claims of debts owed in Guyana—a request that the Central Bank is currently responding to. Finance Minister Winston Jordan confirmed this today (April 7, 2017) ...

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