

Cabinet approved out of court settlements based on Attorney General’s proposals—Harmon

It was the Cabinet Council of Ministers that approved the several billions in payments—stemming from court matters brought against the State—based on proposals submitted by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, a result of the mess left by his predecessor, Anil Nandlall. This was confirmed by Minister of State, Joseph Harmon today, during a post Cabinet press ...

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Guyana’s constitutional reform process lagging; secrecy shrouds APNU-AFC local govt talks

Constitutional reform, one of the major campaign promises of the governing coalition, is not a priority agenda item for talks between A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (AFC),  top AFC officials said Friday. AFC Chairman, Khemraj Ramjattan said the parliamentary agenda is stacked with “other matters and we (National Assembly) haven’t been meeting as regularly” for ...

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Caribbean Court frees Lusignan murder accused

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on Friday freed Lusignan massacre accused, James Hyles and Royden Williams. The Trinidad-headquartered regional appeal court allowed the appeal and in so doing blocked a request by the State for a retrial. Hyles left the court a free man. The allegation of bias by the jury foreman was dismissed. Hyles and now dead Williams ...

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Suriname parliament grills govt on pirate attacks; unanimously passes motion in favour of Guyanese fishermen

by Ivan Cairo PARAMARIBO – The Surinamese government came under attack in parliament Thursday for the way authorities here handled the recent deadly assault on several fishing boats offshore Suriname, before parliamentarians unanimously passed a motion to deal with the incident and the welfare of the largely Guyanese  fishing community. After a stinging debate by both sides eventually, the motion ...

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Caribbean Court resolves land dispute between brothers in Guyana

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on Thursday said it resolved a family dispute involving lands in Essequibo, Guyana. In 2002, Mr. Kowsal Narine filed a claim against his brother, Mr. Deonarine Natram, claiming that their father, Mr. Nateram, had been in possession of the lands since 1959 and had therefore acquired prescriptive title to the lands. Mr. Kowsal Narine ...

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Caribbean Public Health Agency warns of possibly major dengue fever outbreak

While chikungunya and zika, which swept the region in 2014 and 2016 are not expected back anytime soon, the Caribbean Public Health Agency  (CARPHA) is warning, “gear-up for the possibility of a major outbreak of dengue fever in 2018.” The agency said that is because as before, the pre-conditions of abundant mosquito vector levels still exist, and increased levels of ...

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EU to deliver rescue plan proposal for crumbling City Hall

As the 130-year old City Hall slowly crumbles, the European Union (EU) will in another two months deliver a plan to determine how best to salvage the historic largely wooden structure that is part of the National Trust. EU Ambassador to Guyana,  Jernej Videtič  made the announcement in the presence of President David Granger, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and Minister ...

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Jealous “Cross Eye” of Linden allegedly kills taxi driver

  Police say they are on the manhunt for a suspectes killer known as “Cross Eye “of Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden. He allegedly murdered 40-year-old Taxi driver Claude “Sonno” De Jonge of 915 South Amelia’s Ward, Linden early Thursday morning at his reputed wife’s home, located at 1074 Cinderella City, Mackenzie, Linden. The body bore three suspected stab wounds to ...

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Successor to EU-ACP Cotonou Agreement must open up new era in economic relations- Granger

President David Granger said that Guyana looks forward to a single, legally-binding successor to the Cotonou Agreement that will open a new era in economic relations between the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group and the European Union (EU). He said that this new covenant should aim at enabling the transformation of ACP economies through investments in industries, infrastructure and ...

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Five held in Guyana, Suriname for piracy; extradition of Guyanese suspects unnecessary

Three Guyanese remain in police custody in Guyana and two others are being held in Suriname by police there as a probe into last month’s deadly piracy attack continues, authorities here said Wednesday. Guyana’s Police Commissioner, David Ramnarine and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan said the detainees in Guyana could be charged and prosecuted locally instead of being sent ...

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