

Slack illegal electricity connection causes fire

A slack illegal electricity connection on Saturday caused a fire that destroyed a shack and severely damaged a house next door in East Ruimveldt squatting area, the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) said. “The purported cause of the fire was identified as a slack connection of illegal wiring, which resulted in arcing and sparking, subsequently igniting nearby combustible material,” the GFS ...

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AFC sets up oil and gas committee to keep Hughes at arms length from sector; Jagdeo points to loopholes

The Alliance for Change (AFC) has set up a two-man internal party oil and gas sectoral committee to insulate its leader, Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes from dealing with such matters, but People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo discarded that as insufficient. “Until we attain government I will have no input in or involvement with the AFC Oil and Gas ...

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Teachers’ Union buckles to government’s multi-year pay hike timeframe

After a more than 70-day long teachers’ strike for pay talks to first consider 2019-2023, the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) caved in on government’s long-held position that the multi-year agreement begin from 2024, according to statements from both sides. The GTU said in a statement that it presented a new proposal from 2024 to 2026. “This was based on consultations ...

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Guyana prepares to widen evidence for extradition

The National Assembly is next Monday set to amend the Fugitive Offenders Act to allow for the use of evidence that would not otherwise be accepted under the laws of Guyana to facilitate the extradition of persons. “A record of evidence of the case against the person, including evidence that would not otherwise be admissible under the laws of Guyana, ...

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Attorney General updates Guyana-born Belize Chief Justice during courtesy call

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall on Friday updated Chief Justice of Belize, Guyana-born Louise Esther Blenman on a number of projects during her courtesy call ahead of a major regional law conference that opens in Guyana next week. “The Hon. Attorney General welcomed the Hon. Chief Justice and updated her on a number of projects being ...

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PNCR declares election results for 15-member Central Executive Committee

Returning Officer of the People’s National Congress Reform’s (PNCR) elections, Vincent Alexander on Friday announced the results of that party’s Central Executive Committee. “The party wishes to highlight that the elected CEC reflects the country’s diversity across ethnic, gender, age, and regional lines. One-third of the committee members, for example, are women. Several regions are also represented, including regions #3, ...

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Chef, veterinarian, guard nabbed after cocaine find -CANU

Three men were Thursday arrested after 5.6 kilogrammes of cocaine were found in the car they were travelling in on Vlissengen Road, Georgetown, the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) said on Friday. “A subsequent search of the motor vehicle revealed several brick-like parcels containing a whitish powdery substance suspected to be cocaine,” the anti-drug agency said. Those arrested are chef, Rawle ...

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Men clad in ‘police uniforms’ rob company manager of millions at bank deposit vault

Two motorcyclists, clad in what appeared to be police uniforms, Wednesday night allegedly robbed the manager of Toucan Distributors Limited of GY$10 million at Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry’s (GBTI) compound on Young Street, Kingston, Georgetown. police said. “The man observed that the motorcyclists were ‘Policemen’-suspects dressed in Police uniforms. As such, the 65-year-old walked towards the Deposit vault ...

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