

The Caribbean’s Blenman legal “dynasty” continues as siblings are admitted to practice in Guyana

Two siblings- Mr. Delonte De Clou and Ms. Ama De Clou- were Monday admitted to  practice in Guyana, marking what Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire remarked appeared to be a Blenman ‘dynasty’ in the legal profession. “Both of you are fortunate in that I want to think that there is a Blenman-De Clou dynasty in the making. We have other legal ...

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Police Force faces shortage of investigators; 19.4 percent reduction in crime

Acting Deputy Police Commissioner, Wendell Blanhum on Friday bemoaned the shortage of investigators, even as he released figures showing an overall 19.4 percent reduction in crime. “There is an inadequate amount of investigators to police all ten regions,” he said He attributed the shortage of these key personnel to resignations, retirements, transfers to other regions as part of disciplinary actions ...

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Govt, opposition weigh in on proposed life sentence, hefty fines for election offences

The opposition Alliance For Change (AFC) and A New and United Guyana (ANUG) disagree with the GY$10 million fines and life imprisonment for a number of election offences but the government said attempts to cheat an election amount to toppling an elected government. ANUG Chairman, Attorney-at-Law Timothy Jonas said the way the proposed amendments to the Representation of the People ...

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Nandlall denies Norton’s claim that Region Four break-up is election rigging plot

Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Friday dismissed claims by People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Aubrey Norton that the proposed break-up of Region Four into four electoral sub-districts is aimed at rigging future elections by creating additional seats. “Region Four remains the same number of seats. We didn’t create more than one district. We kept the district as one and we ...

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PPP proposes break-up of Region Four to rig elections- PNCR’s Aubrey Norton

Executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), Aubrey Norton on Friday accused the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) administration of splitting Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) into four sub-districts to rig future general and regional elections. He does not believe that the break-up of Region/District Four is merely about the convenience of counting the votes in the highest populated region ...

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Harmon says Opposition Leader and PNCR Leader should be one person; Norton says party will decide

Joseph Harmon says the positions of Opposition Leader and Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) should be held  by one person, but his main rival, Aubrey Norton, says if he wins the leadership race the party will have to decide. Tracing the history of the PNCR, Mr. Harmon noted that its  founder-leader Forbes Burnham, as President,  through from ...

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US-based Guyanese brothers drown in Puerto Rico

Two United States-based Guyanese brothers drowned on Tuesday They have been identified as Ryan and Rawle Fortune of Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara. They are the nephews of well-known Physical Education Teacher and coach, Johnny ‘Overseas’ Barnwell. Mr. Barnwell told Demerara Waves Online News/News-Talk Radio Guyana 103.1 FM that Rawle visited Guyana last month. “It grieve me to see that ...

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Caribbean Court signal’s displeasure with Guyana DPP’s powers to direct magistrates to recommit accused persons

The Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) on Thursday frowned heavily on what they regard as the power of Guyana’s Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to direct a court to recommit an accused person for fresh proceedings. “Whether the DPP is pr is not a member of the executive, to me it does not detract from the fact whether a court ...

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Murder accused Marcus Bisram asks CCJ to declare law on DPP’s role unconstitutional

Murder accused United States-based Guyanese, Marcus Bisram on Thursday asked the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) to declare as unconstitutional a section of the Criminal Law Offences Act that allows the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) to direct a magistrate to recommit a person to a retrial even if the courts find that there has been insufficient evidence. Through his ...

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PNCR’s Central Executive overturns Granger’s suspension of Vanessa Kissoon

After languishing seven years in the political wilderness due to a disagreement with then People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) General Secretary Oscar Clarke, Ms. Vanessa Kissoon’s suspension from her party was Wednesday lifted paving the way for her return to frontline politics. Ms. Kissoon could not be immediately contacted, but a high-level party source confirmed late Wednesday night that that ...

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