

Update: Public Service Credit Union Special General Members meeting dissolved

A Special General Members meeting of the Guyana Public Service Cooperative Credit Union was Monday dissolved due to a lack of a quorum. Chairman of that financial institution Karen Van Sluytman-Corbin promptly called the meeting to order at 8 AM at the New Central High School, Princes Street. One hour later, she returned to the microphone and announced that there ...

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Opposition Leader cannot kickstart process to appoint Chancellor, Chief Justice- Nandlall

Attorney General Anil Nandlall on Sunday said the Opposition Leader could not initiate the process for the appointment of a substantive  Chancellor and Chief Justice, instead saying that is the function of the President. “What is important is the President who must initiate the process of the appointment and securing the Opposition Leader’s agreement. It’s not the other way around. ...

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Trevor Benn team to boycott Public Service Credit Union “sham” meeting

The Trevor Benn-led slate of candidates for the management committee of the Guyana Public Service Cooperative Credit Union (GPSCCU) on Sunday said it would be boycotting Monday’s special general members meeting and elections over their opponent’s refusal to use a tried and tested system for Online electronic voting. The meeting is scheduled for 8 AM at the New Central High ...

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AFC back pedals Local Govt Election boycott pronouncement; asks for fresh house-to-house registration

The Alliance For Change (AFC) on Friday walked back on a pronouncement by its Chairman Catherine Hughes that it would be boycotting the March 13, 2023 local election, instead saying that the executive would decide whether it would contest the polls. AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said Ms Hughes uttered her “strong” position that the priority should be ensuring that there ...

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APNU won’t allow PPP to control strongholds, will continue pressing for clean voters list- Norton

Chairman of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Aubrey Norton said that People’s National Congress Reform-led collective would not allow the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to take political control of the councils in its strongholds in the March 13, 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE). “The only thing I can say to you is this: We are not going to give ...

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President calls on opposition parties to contest Local Government Elections

President Irfaan Ali  Thursday night appealed to opposition political parties to contest the March 13, 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE) as part of the process to improve the conditions in towns and villages but already Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine has hinted that his People’s National Congress Reform-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) might also boycott the polls. “We urge ...

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AFC to boycott local govt elections over bloated voters list; APNU remains tight-lipped

The Alliance For Change (AFC) on Thursday night said it would be boycotting the March 2023 Local Government Elections (LGE) over concerns about a padded voters list, but the People’s National Congress Reform-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) stayed clear of saying what it would do. “If we are going to have any elections, if we are going to ...

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BREAKING: March 13, 2023 is Local Government Elections

Minister of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall on Thursday named March 13 as the day Guyanese would go to the polls to elect councillors for 10 towns and 70 neighborhood councils The following statement was issued: The Government of Guyana is committed to the upholding of democracy and believes that the holding of Local Government Elections (LGE) is an important pillar ...

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GPSU, in GY$3 million lawsuit, asks High Court to compel govt to engage in collective bargaining

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) is asking the High Court to compel the government to engage in meaningful collective bargaining, a process the union said has not been properly held for a number of years. “We would like the court to recognise that the government has an obligation to collective bargaining,” GPSU President Patrick Yarde told a news conference. ...

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APNU+AFC rejects govt consultation on electoral laws but 157 organisations set to participate

As the Guyana government prepares to hold a national stakeholder consultation on Guyana’s draft electoral laws, the opposition A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) on Thursday again rubbished the move saying it would not address the real problems such a clean voters list, accurate results and high public trust. The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance said the ...

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