

Govt budgets GY$250 million to build new drugs bond

The Ministry of Public Health will this year construct a new bond to store medical supplies, even as it has allocated GYD$150 million to next year continue renting the controversial bond at Sussex Street, Albouystown from a businessman. During consideration of the 2017 Budget estimates of expenditure, Public Health Minister George Norton announced that GYD$250 million have been set aside ...

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Hotels to replace kaimoos in mining districts- Broomes

Government will be accommodating women working in the mining districts in hotels instead of the shanty structures known as ‘kaimoos’, Junior Minister of Natural Resources Simona Broomes announced on Wednesday. “The word ‘kaimoo’ will be a word of the past. We inherited a government who had women in kaimoo. Let me put you on notice. We will have them in ...

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Mining activity not linked to death of Region 7 boy, brain-dead brother – Minister Norton

The death of A 9-year-old boy from the Kako village in Region 7 and the brain-dead state of his 11 year old brother has health officials still asking questions about the circumstances surrounding their death. But Health Minister Dr George Norton told the press corps today at the Public Buildings that the boys conditions was not linked to meningitis as ...

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Team dispatched to Mazaruni after boy dies, brother “brain dead”

Health officials suspect that toxicity of a waterway in Region 7 (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) may have caused the death of a boy and the “brain dead” state of his brother, Public Health Minister, Dr. George Norton said Sunday night. Based on symptoms and an autopsy, he said medical experts have ruled out an infection such as meningitis but rather the possible consumption ...

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Prince Harry interacts with teenage mothers and TIP victims

First Lady, Mrs. Sandra Granger on Sundayt hosted Prince Henry of Wales, familiarly known as Prince Harry, at a reception on the Lawns of State House where he had the opportunity to interact with teenage mothers and victims of Trafficking In Persons. The Ministry of the Presidency said the Women’s Empowerment Programme is responsible for the teenage mothers and  they were ...

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US President recognises work of Guyanese home care CEO

United States (US) President, Barack Obama on Saturday recognised the contribution of a young Guyanese lady  in her homeland in the area of care for the elderly, in his address at a Town Hall meeting in Peru. “We need leaders like Abbigail Loncke of Guyana; Abigail are you there? So after struggling to find her own grandfather a home care, Abigail ...

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Nursing exam paper leaked, sold

Investigations are ongoing to identify person or persons who may have been responsible for the leak of examination papers before the sitting and assessment of 250 nursing students on October 19 and 20, 2016, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported on Tuesday. Nurses who sat the Clinical and Functional examination in October were informed by Principal Tutor of the Georgetown ...

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Guyana to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates with IDB support

Program seeks to strengthen the country’s healthcare network, benefitting some 140,000 women and 9,000 newborns a year The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)  on Thursday announced that it has approved an US$8 million loan for a program to help reduce maternal, perinatal and neonatal deaths in Guyana. This program seeks to improve the quality of care at 140 health facilities and ...

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