
Plane crashes in interior

Last Updated on Monday, 7 July 2014, 15:47 by GxMedia

Approach to Monkey Mountain Airstrip (photo by Marco Farouk Basir via Panoramio)

A Britten Norman Islander plane crashed Monday morning on landing at the Monkey Mountain airstrip but no one was seriously hurt.

Director General of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), Zulfikar Mohamed told Demerara Waves Online News that the plane ran off the runway on landing. He confirmed that the aircraft, bearing registration number 8R-GGY, was damaged and that investigators were due to visit the scene later in the day.

Piloting the aircraft, which is owned by Domestic Airways, was Captain Orlando Charles.

Mohamed said the pilot and the lone passenger were not seriously hurt and were walking and talking.

The plane flew from Ogle International Airport to Mahdia before going on to Monkey Mountain.