
Section of Kurupukari-Lethem road collapses; water covers Pirara Bridge

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 May 2024, 23:04 by Writer

The Ministry of Public Works on Wednesday activated emergency teams for the restoration of the Linden-Lethem corridor, after a section of that earthen interior artery collapsed and washed away.

“Contractors and materials are en route to the affected area,” the Public Works Ministry said.

That government ministry said there was significant disruption along the Kurupukari–Lethem corridor at approximately 3:40 p.m. Wednesday when a truck traversing there attempted to cross an eroded section of the roadway within the Iwokrama Concession.

“This section of the road subsequently collapsed due to sustained pressure from a storm surge caused by heavy rains,” the Public Works Ministry said.

“That section has completely washed away, rendering it impassable. This will affect all traffic traversing between Georgetown and Annai/Lethem. The Ministry wishes to reiterate that the affected area is currently inaccessible to all traffic, and all drivers and passengers traveling along this corridor should expect delays,” the ministry said.

In its statement, the ministry alleged that the contractor responsible for the maintenance of the area, KP Thomas, was not on site. “In the last 48 hours, Ministry of Public Works engineers have alerted all contractors to monitor areas where they have active worksites,” the ministry said.

Additionally, the ministry issued a warning advisory for traffic crossing the Pirara Bridge via the Timber Bypass. There, government said the water level has risen significantly within the last 24 hours, covering the approach road and bridge. “Light traffic is requested to exercise extreme caution if attempting to cross the bypass. We do not recommend the crossing of any heavy equipment over the bypass at this time,” the ministry said.

Emergency teams have been mobilized, and efforts are underway to assess and repair the damage.

The Public Works Ministry asked the public to stay tuned to official channels for further updates on road conditions and repair progress.

“We ask all drivers traversing the corridor to drive carefully, keeping an eye out for changes in road conditions to ensure the safety of yourself and others. The ministry is also requesting that all commercial vehicles significantly reduce their load at this time. The Ministry of Public Works thanks you for your cooperation and patience during this time and encourages you to stay safe on the roads.”