
Fire destroys health ministry’s mosquito control bond

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 May 2024, 23:07 by Writer

A Ministry of Health bond that stored mosquito fogging chemicals and other vector control supplies was Tuesday afternoon destroyed by fire, the Guyana Fire Service said on Wednesday.

“Vapor from gasoline tank came into contact with heated exhaust pipe from fogging machine same ignited and exploded,” the fire service told Demerara Waves Online News.

Residents in several areas of northern Georgetown smelled the chemical but did not see or hear any fogging machines.

The fire occurred shortly after 3 p.m. After receiving a call from the Health Ministry’s Vector Control Service Bond, Thomas Road Georgetown, the fire service said four fighting appliances and one ambulance arrived at the scene.

The GFS said the one-flat wooden and concrete building and the contents were destroyed by the fire.