
Public Accounts Committee asks for legal power to summon “reluctant” persons – Figueira

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 April 2024, 21:40 by Writer

Mr Jermaine Figueira

The House bipartisan Public Accounts Committee (PAC) could soon be empowered to summon persons to account for public funds if PAC Chairman, Jermaine Figueira gets sufficient support from the government.

He asked that the PAC be deemed a legislative body, as defined in Legislative Bodies (Evidence) Act, Chapter 2 of 2012, with the power to summon persons to appear before the Committee, to produce books, plans or documents, to aid in the work of the Committee.

In a motion titled “Authority of Public Accounts Committee to Summon Witnesses”, Mr Figueira said that “on occasions some persons are reluctant to appear before the Committee, thus affecting the work of the Committee.”

The A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) parliamentarian said the PAC has observed that it is not deemed a legislative body as defined in the Legislative Bodies (Evidence ) Act…” and is not empowered to summon persons to appear before the Committee.”

The PAC includes the accounts of all central and local government bodies and entities in which the State has a controlling interest, and all projects funded by loans and grants by any foreign state or oganisation.