
Teachers to get letters for vaccination; sensitisation programme planned

Last Updated on Saturday, 13 March 2021, 12:42 by Denis Chabrol

The Ministry of Education says it will be issuing letters to teachers who would be taking the Coronavirus vaccine.

This is according to a joint statement by the Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU).

The two sides, however, say that teachers will not be compelled to take the vaccine as each teacher can decide whether to do so.

While vaccination will not be mandatory, the Education Ministry and the Teachers Union say they will begin sensitising teachers to better inform them about the facts, importance and benefits of being inoculated against the potentially deadly COVID-19 virus.

More than 200 Guyanese have so far died from the disease.

The Ministry of Education and the GTU say they are committed to their duty to ensure the nation’s teachers are safe, particularly at this time as Guyanese are all battling this pandemic together.