
Tag Archives: oil and gas sector

Jagdeo knocks ExxonMobil over no conflict of interest position with AFC’s Hughes

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Tuesday said he was unsurprised by President of ExxonMobil Guyana, Alistair Routledge saying there was no conflict of interest between Attorney-at-Law Nigel Hughes and that American supermajor. “It was no surprise that the representatives of Exxon took the position that Nigel Hughes is not in conflict with Exxon Mobil,” Mr Jagdeo told Demerara Waves Online ...

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OPINION: COP27 – a crime against humanity, a leadership vice

by GHK Lall I would sum up COP27 in two words. Promises, promises, promises. And dud, dud, dud. Most of those 200 plus should have done the world a favor, and stayed home. Nothing material comes out of these talkfests, so why have them? I give Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda, and Barbados’s Mia Mottley a pass for sheer ...

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OPINION: Oil futures below zero; meaningless to most Guyanese

By GHK Lall Oil prices, the futures to be precise, went into negative territory for the first time in their volatile stormy history. For many it is like the end of the world. Yet, here are Guyanese lost in the impenetrable hazes of their own little world, who could care less. The bounty bestowed on us is now worth nothing, ...

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Tourism body tapping into Carnegie School as oil sector fills hotel rooms

President of the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG), Mitra Ramkumar says the emerging oil and gas sector is boosting hotel occupancy, even as his organisation is preparing to give graduates of Carnegie School of Home Economics internship and job opportunities. Ramkumar, in an address to mark the reopening of Carnegie’s Hibiscus Restaurant for the new school term, noted ...

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APNU+AFC urges youths to prepare for thousands of construction jobs

The incumbent A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Wednesday night promised to generate thousands of jobs in the construction of bridges and houses should it be reelected at the March 2, 2020 general elections. This was made known to about 200 party faithfuls by APNU+AFC’s Volda Lawrence at a public meeting held at Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara. Lawrence ...

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Change Guyana promises Guyanese shareholding in oil sector, “special funds” for welfare

Change Guyana (CG) political party on Tuesday made a number of promises to ensure a “fair share ” of the country’s oil and gas resources are provided to ordinary Guyanese, while at the same time taking back all idle oil blocks and holding annual auctions with significant signing bonuses. “All blocks for which investors’ commitments have not been delivered to ...

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As oil production begins, Granger expects increased jobs, promises wise spending of oil money

President David Granger Friday night said he expected increased jobs and assured that oil revenues would be spent wisely, shortly after ExxonMobil announced that it earlier in the day began commercial oil production from the Liza field offshore Guyana. “The petroleum sector will stimulate increased employment and expand services,” he said in an address to the nation. He announced that ...

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Former Jamaica PM: Time for Guyana to change law for small companies to bid for gov’t contracts; no room for corruption

Former Jamaica Prime Minister, Portia Simpson-Miller Thursday night called on Guyana to put systems in place for small businesses to benefit from the expected economic boom. In an address to the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (GCCI) awards ceremony, Mrs Simpson-Miller said allowing small businesses to participate in the economy and a transparent economic process should do well for ...

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Demerara Offshore launches with eyes on local content development

Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), through its subsidiary Demerara Contractors and Engineering Limited (DCEL) and  Caribbean Welding Supplies Limited (CWSL) have established an oil and gas services joint venture, Demerara Offshore Incorporated. Demerara Offshore will be providing a wide range of services to the oil and gas sector that include the development of a world-class shore base facility, welding and fabrication, ...

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