
Tag Archives: High Court ruling

High Court decision is basis for workers to shut down country – lawyers

Lawyers associated with the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), who won a High Court case for the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), on May 1—Labour Day—called on workers to use that decision as the plank for street protests. GTU’s lawyer Darren Wade believed that workers could use Justice Sandil Kissoon’s decision that the 29-day ...

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GECOM in stalemate on house-to-house registration after High Court decision

The seven-member Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Friday ended with no clear direction on whether house-to-house registration should be scrapped to pave the way for general elections to be held swiftly or it should be used along with another mechanism to create a voters’ list. “I hate to disappoint you again this afternoon but we have not reached any meaningful ...

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GECOM awaits written High Court decision; 230,000 registered so far

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Thursday did not discuss the implications of the High Court judgement on house-to-house registration and related matters because commissioners were yet to obtain a copy of the written decision by Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire, an elections commissioner said. Government-appointed elections commissioner, Vincent Alexander expected the seven-member body to meet again by Monday before GECOM ...

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WPA calls on PPP to extend life of government ahead of poll preparations

The Working People’s Alliance (WPA), a vocal member of the governing coalition, on Thursday urged the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to agree to an extension of the deadline by which general elections ought to be held, in the wake of Wednesday’s High Court ruling that blessed the constitutionality of house-to-house registration. “The WPA calls on the PPP to acknowledge ...

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Irfaan Ali refuses to give up PPP presidential candidacy after High Court rules he must face fraud charges

Opposition People’s Progressive Party’s (PPP) Irfaan Ali on Friday vowed to remain in the race for the presidency, although the High Court recently ruled that he must face trial for allegedly conspiring to defraud government of a total of GYD$174 million by selling land below their valued prices. “Not one bit! I’m not stepping aside at all. I’m here to ...

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High Court cuts police inspector’s imprisonment to a few hours for allegedly insulting magistrate

The High Court on Wednesday slashed a seven-day prison term imposed on Detective Police Inspector Prem Narine to less than one day, saying the penalty for allegedly insulting a City Magistrate was “excessive”. Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire reduced the jail term imposed by Magistrate Rondel Weever to less than one day and ordered that the police officer be locked up ...

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Greenidge likely to be in charge of border affairs at Foreign Ministry

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge is expected to take up an appointment that would see him being responsible for border matters, but the major sticking point appears to be whether he would be given powers to make binding decisions on behalf of the Guyana government, sources said. The sources said a decision on Greenidge’s future role in the government ...

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Liberty and Justice Party’s Lenox Shuman applies to give up Canadian citizenship, may scrape in Guyanese residency

The presidential candidate for the newly-formed Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), Lenox Shuman on Wednesday said he has applied to give up his Canadian citizenship, but he did not know how long the process would take. Shuman, a former Vice Chairman of the National Toshaos Council (NTC), said that with general and regional elections unlikely to be held this month, ...

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