

Jagdeo- Guyana’s Putin

by Political Oracle History is dominated with a plethora of acknowledgment and myriad examples of the concept “true power lies behind the throne”. Most astute politicians will endeavour to try to achieve the skills to be a “king maker rather than a king”. The term “secret president” is not so mundane in our daily political discourse, but the concept was ...

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History will venomously condemn Ramkarran if he returns to PPP

by Political Oracle If Ralph Ramkarran decides to return to the Peoples Progressive Party, his political reputation will be damaged. The confidence the Guyanese people have in him as a decent individual and a person who can improve the socio-political conditions in Guyana will be tarnished. Indeed, his profile as an alternative to President Donald Ramotar will be drastically diminished from that ...

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End Sexual-Orientation and Gender-Identity Discrimination in Guyana

Reproduced from the Huffington Post by Sherlina Nageer Guyanese LGBT activist, spokesperson, and member of the Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (“CEDAW Committee”), meeting this month at United Nations headquarters in New York City, will review the human-rights record of several countries that are signatory parties to the Convention on the Elimination ...

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Autonomy of the Parliament

by Ralph Ramkarran A Motion and a Bill, tabled by Khemraj Ramjattan of the AFC and Volda Lawrence of APNU respectively, relating to the autonomy of the Parliament Office, are before the National Assembly. The Motion resolves that a Special Select Committee be appointed to examine two sets of recommendations, one by Sir Michael Davies, a Commonwealth Senior Parliamentary Staff ...

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National Unity- Hast the time arrived for the final effort?

by Ralph Ramkarran The PPP started life as a political party which consciously embraced all strata of the society. The most important, immediate, objective was the unity of the major races of the main social groups, the working and middle classes, including intellectuals and professionals. At this early time, 1950, the founders of the PPP understood that its eventual goals, ...

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Create a New Vision for Guyana-We have nothing to lose but our chains

By Ralph Ramkarran, SC.  The rejection by the National Assembly of the re-tabled Supplementary Estimates, rejected previously, elicited headlines, accusations and counter accusations recently. According to statements in the press the Government re-tabled the Estimates because the Opposition had indicated that it was prepared to reconsider them. To its surprise the opposition voted against the Estimates without asking a single ...

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OP-ED: Trafficking in Persons by US Ambassador to Guyana, Brendt Hardt

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released the 2012 United States Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report June 19 reviewing the efforts of 186 countries to combat the scourge of modern day slavery.  This year’s report, entitled “the Promise of Freedom,” calls on every government, including the United States, to commit itself to fulfilling the promise of freedom from slavery.

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Corruption- The Time Has Come To Take Action

by Ralph Ramkarran I wrote and spoke about the issue of corruption in Guyana last year. This issue can no longer be ignored by the Government. Last Sunday’s newspapers carried almost a dozen stories in which allegations of corruption featured. Many of them were exaggerated, frivolous or speculative. But several of them are serious enough to compel the Government to ...

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