

Puma mauls little girl

A three year old girl was Friday mauled by a puma resulting in her being in an unconscious condition, sources said. She is Jasmine Joseph of Isseneru. Sources said the girl was near her home about 8 AM when the puma dragged her about 60 feet into the nearby bush. The girl was rescued and the animal was shot dead. ...

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Guyana on standby to assist flood-ravaged Caribbean islands

Guyana is on standby to assist several Eastern Caribbean islands where several persons have died and infrastructure damaged due to severe rains, heavy winds and floods, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday night. “The Government of Guyana will continue to monitor the situation reports from the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency with a view to supporting the recovery efforts of the ...

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AFC endorses US-funded project that PPP opposes

The Alliance For Change (AFC) Thursday night endorsed a US$1.2 million United States (US)-funded project that the governing Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) has said is aimed at  bolstering the opposition’s chances. The AFC also announced that it supports the American administration’s position that the project would go ahead even in the absence of approval from the Guyana government. “AFC supports ...

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Teenage girl shot dead by ex lover

A 17-year old girl was shot dead on Thursday- Boxing Day- by a man with who she had ended a relationship some time ago, police said. She has been identified as Theiana Andrews of Moraikobai Village, Mahaicony.  A shotgun was used to commit the act about 2:15 AM at that village. The suspect has not been arrested yet, police said.

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Veteran lawyer, horse race pioneer dies

Veteran lawyer and horse racing pioneer, Senior Counsel Marcel Crawford, died on Wednesday-Christmas Day- as a result of a heart attack, plunging the legal fraternity and enthusiasts of that equestrian sport into mourning. He was 76. Crawford died at the Anamayah Hospital, Corentyne late Wednesday afternoon, hours after he had been rushed there. Chairman of the Police Complaints Authority, Justice ...

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Guyana participating in international scout leadership programme

Guyana’s scout movement is expected to embark on a major recruitment drive after two officials return from an international leadership programme in the United States, an official said. Assistant Cub Scout Leader Queens College Scout Group, Joshua Ramcharitar and Assistant District Commissioner Guyana Police Force Scout Group, Theon Hope left Guyana for Houston, Texas for the programme. They are participating ...

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Former teacher fatally stabbed

A former teacher was stabbed to death late Christmas night at a disco in Kwakwani. He has been identified as Marlon Sam,23, of Kwakwani Park, Berbice River. Sam was found lying in a pool of blood with several stab wounds about his body about 11 PM at One Foot Disco. Police at 11 AM Boxing Day saidy Sam became involved ...

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UK cruise liner docks; GNSC puts cruise reception area on “backburner”

Even as the Guyana National Shipping Corporation (GNSC) on Wednesday- Christmas Day- welcomed its first cruise ship for the year, a company official said it is no longer feasible to build a custom-made reception area for cruise visitors. “We have put it on the backburner for the time being,” GNSC’s Managing Director, Anthony Astwood told Demerara Waves Online News ( ...

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Major fire averted at Giftland Officemax

A major fire was averted at Giftland OfficeMax Christmas Eve night when an air condition unit malfunctioned. Chief Executive Officer, Roy Beepat told Demerara Waves Online News that the fire occurred on the outside of the building at Water and Holmes Streets about 10:45 PM. “It appears as though two wires were bridged,” he said. None of the stocks was ...

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PPP accuses US of boosting opposition fortunes

The governing Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) on Tuesday accused the United States (US) of attempting to destabilize the government by financing activities of the political opposition through a US$1.250 million project that government has disapproved. “There is deep suspicion in political circles that this particular project was conceived to bolster the political fortunes of the opposition political parties in Guyana.  ...

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