

Private Sector begins insisting on full observer status at AML Select Committee

Even as the Executive Council of the Private Sector Commission (PSC) was Tuesday afternoon discussing its response to A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) refusal to grant the business organisation full-time observer status at the parliamentary select committee on the financial crimes bill, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) called on that party to reconsider its stance. “The ...

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Jamaica replaced US rice imports with Guyana rice in 2013

(ORYZA.COM).-The sole rice mill in Jamaica completely replaced U.S. paddy rice with imports from Guyana in 2013 mainly due to higher prices of U.S. rice, according to the USDA. The USDA says that Jamaica did not import any paddy rice from the U.S. in 2013 for the first time in recent history. Traditionally, Jamaica’s rice imports consisted of 20% of ...

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PPP tight-lipped on future support for non-assented opposition bills

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee was Tuesday virtually mum on whether government would support opposition-sponsored bills to guarantee them a two-thirds support before they are signed into law by President Donald Ramotar. Asked whether government would be willing to vote in favour of them, Rohee would only say “I would say when we come to that bridge we will cross ...

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Rohee avoids questions on opposition’s links to criminals

General Secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee failed to provide evidence that the opposition was shielding drug lords and money launderers by blocking key amendments to anti-money laundering legislation. Rohee, who is also Home Affairs Minister, could not back up his accusation by saying specifically whether the administration knew anyone specifically and why the law enforcement agencies ...

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Opposition walks out of select committee after govt insists that PSC observe all sittings

Opposition members of the parliamentary select committee- set up to examine proposed amendments to the financial crimes law-Monday night walked out of the meeting over bickering with government about whether the  Private Sector Commission (PSC) should be allowed to observe all sittings. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) said it opposed the PSC’s presence in keeping with a previous decision ...

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Minibus passengers miraculously escape serious injury

Several persons, including students of the New Amsterdam Technical Institute (NATI), miraculously escaped serious injury when the bus they were travelling in toppled several times, eyewitnesses said. At least seven of the 15 passengers were admitted to the New Amsterdam Hospital for observation while the others were treated and sent away.One passenger lost his ear and another’s hand was fractured. ...

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China to finance construction of Corentyne River bridge

The way is now paved for China to release funds for the construction of a bridge across the Corentyne River to link Guyana with neighbouring Suriname, Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett said Monday. She told a news conference that at the request of her Surinamese counterpart Winston Lackin, Guyana told China that it supports the construction of the link. “Guyana, at ...

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Alleged serial car thief charged with murder of Pegasus taxi driver

An 18-year old man was Monday arraigned for allegedly murdering Pegasus taxi driver Rubrindranauth Jeeboo late last year. Lorenzo Forde of 4 Drysdale Street, Charlestown, Georgetown was not required to plea to the indictable charge that was read to him by Chief Magistrate, Priya Sewnarine-Beharry. He is accused of committing the capital offence between December 27 and 28, 2013 at ...

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Guatemala asked to invest in sugar industry

Faced with steadily declining production by the state-owned Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco), Guyana is courting the Guatemalan private sector to invest in the sugar industry here, Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett said Monday. She said officials of the company named San Diego have been already in contact with Guysuco to prepare for a visit to Guyana where they would explore setting ...

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Foreign Ministry probing Consulate in Boa Vista

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett on Monday said she was probing a report of irregularities at the Consulate in Boa Vista, Brazil. She said a probe was launched after she received a letter from someone that led to unsatisfactory answers in response to very direct questions about a “couple of things”. “There were some specific things in the letter ...

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